Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Horse clipping?

i just clipped my horses girth area beacuse she had really long hair on it and its hard to brush clean, so it was bothering her.

but i live in michigan and of course its 5 one day and 40 the next.

will she be fine just having that spot shaved when its cold?

i cant affored a blanket. and shes pasture boarded.

Horse clipping?

Yes as long as all you did was clip right behind her legs she should be fine. You should give her a couple of days for the soreness to go away before you start riding her.

Next time you clip her make sure you get a blanket for her. You can get them cheap on clearance right now from lots of different places. Check ebay too.

Good Luck

Horse clipping?

i dont no

Horse clipping?

She should be okay unless the temmps get below 0 and the wind is blowing. I'm curious, why did you clip her now instead of waiting a few more weeks? If necessary, I've made blankets for my horses out of used sleeping bags. People throw them out when the zippers break but they make nice blankets. Just remove the zipper, add some trim and ties.

Horse clipping?

She'll be fine. A friend of mine who shows the hunter circuit does similar clipping. She clips along the girth, chest and bottom half of the neck. She said they do this so the hair can dry more quickly after sweating during riding so the horse is less likely to get a chill after riding in cold weather.

Horse clipping?

she should be fine, but it is a sensative area, you should keep an eye on her and if it gets very cold (below 0) ask a friend if you can borrow a rug.

Horse clipping?

Once I had my horse full body clipped and a cold spell came through. The next day he had grow a lot of hair back. Your horse will be fine.

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