Wednesday, July 29, 2009

DOG TAIL CLIPPING DOCKINg? help please rottweiler tails (plze answser every possible question you ca

I have like a 7week old rottweiler,and it still has its tail,its about 1" in diameter.I want the tail to be off

now i kno you can put a rubber band around it so that it looses it's circulation and blood flow and sometimes doesn't hurt the dog at some cases.My friend put a small hair tie around it about 1inch away from the body?and it was on there for about 5days, it bothered him as time went by.. then somebody told him there gonna get in trouble for cruelty or sum bs. and so he took it off. its been 2days wit out it on, the tail is still on, but u can tell that there has been a rubberband and that it was already losing blood flow.

Wouldyou rather have a rubber band around it to loose blood flow, so it will shrink and shrivel and fall off. rather then taking it in and the vet cuz the dogs tail off or watever they do. my dad has done the rubberband thing and it DEFINETLY doesnt hurt the dogs like as if the tail was clipped. it only bothers her when she lays on it certain way

DOG TAIL CLIPPING DOCKINg? help please rottweiler tails (plze answser every possible question you can) THANKS!

I'm going to try and be polite here - so I'll try to stay as professional as I possibly can w/o criticizing you, your friend or your family.

*ahem* The rubber band "theory" won't work. The tail not only has muscles, ligaments, tendons and NERVES but also BONE!!!

It's an extension of the backbone. You'll need to go to the vet to get the tail docked so they can cut the bone and cartilage away with minimal nerve damage.

*sigh* People like you, your friend and your fater should not own ddogs, or have kids.

(couldn't help it.. had to put my 2 cents in)

DOG TAIL CLIPPING DOCKINg? help please rottweiler tails (plze answser every possible question you can) THANKS!

Most people don't know this but a dog's tail aids them in their balance. If the dog was meant to be born without a tail it would be and if they didn't need them they wouldn't have them, it is cruel to remove it, it's like you removing one of your fingers.

DOG TAIL CLIPPING DOCKINg? help please rottweiler tails (plze answser every possible question you can) THANKS!

take the rott to the vet, thats what I always do with ny rotts

DOG TAIL CLIPPING DOCKINg? help please rottweiler tails (plze answser every possible question you can) THANKS!

I would always recommend that a vet carries out this particular procedure to decrease the possibility of causing pain and suffering (even if unintentional) to your dog. The sooner it is done the better but please don't attempt it yourself. I don't know where you are but breeders in the UK are not allowed to perform the 'rubber band' method any more and any reputable Rottie breeder would have made sure that the puppies tails were docked before you bought him/her. This is providing they are professional and breed dogs to 'breed standard'. Some people don't agree with tail docking at all and some vets won't even perform the procedure here but certain breeds like Boxers and and all gun dogs with long tails need this as their tails are very fragile and they are working in rough areas (retrieving) and the suffering of a broken or damaged tail is far worse than having it docked in the first place.

DOG TAIL CLIPPING DOCKINg? help please rottweiler tails (plze answser every possible question you can) THANKS!

Take it to your local vet and get it done there if you want it done right.

DOG TAIL CLIPPING DOCKINg? help please rottweiler tails (plze answser every possible question you can) THANKS!

How horrible! How would you like itif I cut one of your appendages off?!

DOG TAIL CLIPPING DOCKINg? help please rottweiler tails (plze answser every possible question you can) THANKS!

Gimme your address bubblehead. I want to put a rubber band around your neck. Leave the tail alone. That dog can look forward to a life of misery with you.

DOG TAIL CLIPPING DOCKINg? help please rottweiler tails (plze answser every possible question you can) THANKS!

The rubber band one the tail causes SERIOUS NERVE DAMAGE TO THE SPINE! You would be better off having it docked when you had him fixed. Honestly, your breeder should have had it done no later than 3 days after birth when the dew claws were removed, or does he still have those? If he does you should have researched where you got your pup from. GET HIM TO THE VET!! An infection could be setting up in his spine from the open tissue on the tail. And as for it hurting when the vet does it, they are under anesthetic and you can also get a pain shot for him. Better than a life threatening bacterial infection in the spine that could cause him to not be able to walk.

DOG TAIL CLIPPING DOCKINg? help please rottweiler tails (plze answser every possible question you can) THANKS!

Tails should be docked when the pup is days old not weeks old. Docking a tail at 7 weeks will be an amputation that should only be done by a vet. PLEASE do not try this yourself!

DOG TAIL CLIPPING DOCKINg? help please rottweiler tails (plze answser every possible question you can) THANKS!

Would it bother you if we put a rubber band around your finger so it loses blood flow and drops off? When docking a dogs tail the vet needs to cut between the vertibrae, leave a flap of skin to sew over the open end and monitor it to make sure there is no infection. IT WONT FALL OFF. There is other things such as sinew and nerves and veins and muscle and bones that need to be taken into consideration when docking a tail. Doing something like that is just cruel and how do you know it doesnt hurt the dog, is the tail attached to you ? No its the dog who cant tell you if it hurts who it belongs to.

DOG TAIL CLIPPING DOCKINg? help please rottweiler tails (plze answser every possible question you can) THANKS!

Um, what you are doing is considered animal cruelty. Docking a dogs tail is SURGERY and needs to be done by a professional. If you attempt to do this on your own, you are breaking the law and can (and should) go to jail and/or pay a fine. Can you imagine the pain that poor thing is in by having a tie tied around it's tail?

Generally dog's tails are docked within the first few days of being born. Your dog is too old to have this done now.

Unless it's a show quality dog, why do you even NEED to dock it's tail? Are you not aware that dogs need their tails for balance to walk, run, and swim?

I don't think you are nearly educated (or compassionate) enough to have a dog.

DOG TAIL CLIPPING DOCKINg? help please rottweiler tails (plze answser every possible question you can) THANKS!

Putting rubber band on the dog's tail and trying to do it yourself generally constitutes animal cruelty. From what I have been able to learn, the tail should have been done when he was 4 or so days old. I would consult a vet because at this age it will cause your puppy more pain to have the vet properly do it. Also, even though I don't think so, some of the people that will answer your question will consider you superficial and do you really want to be thought of like that? That's something to think about.

Good luck.

DOG TAIL CLIPPING DOCKINg? help please rottweiler tails (plze answser every possible question you can) THANKS!

If you are in the UK, then trying to dock your own dog's tail is now against the law. Why did you get the puppy if you wanted a docked one? If you still want the dog docked, it will have to be done under anaesthetic %26amp; you probably won't find a vet willing to do it. If you persist with the rubber ring, it won't work, the puppy will get an infection %26amp; could die without treatment.

DOG TAIL CLIPPING DOCKINg? help please rottweiler tails (plze answser every possible question you can) THANKS!

I don't know about that, ask a vet. I wouldn't do it personally. This dog probably needs medical attention.

DOG TAIL CLIPPING DOCKINg? help please rottweiler tails (plze answser every possible question you can) THANKS!

If a rubber band was placed around the tail for more than 24 hours and you removed it you are now going to kill the dog with sepsis. Get it to the vet and have the tail removed before the infection spreads. This should be done when a pup is days not weeks old. Yes at this stage it will hurt.

DOG TAIL CLIPPING DOCKINg? help please rottweiler tails (plze answser every possible question you can) THANKS!

What a ridiculous Question ???Which would you rather have tied around your penis????How cruel and inhumane!!!Please seek Family counseling A.S.A.P.That is like a doctor saying circumcision doesn't hurt a baby!!!WeeeeeeWOOO!!You better not tell the wrong person about this stupid behavior or you might get to go to jail!!!!!!Forget the tail and worry about it killing someone.!!!!!!

DOG TAIL CLIPPING DOCKINg? help please rottweiler tails (plze answser every possible question you can) THANKS!

Are you a freaking IDIOT?? How about put a rubber band real tight around your wrists til your hands fall off and you can't type anymore stupidity here!

DOG TAIL CLIPPING DOCKINg? help please rottweiler tails (plze answser every possible question you can) THANKS!

Tie a string real tight around your finger. Now leave it for a week. Now you can tell me it doesn't hurt the dog, but I think that you'd be lying.

Anyways, docking when a pup is 3days old is not NEAR as bad as what you're attempting to do. I don't agree with removing a dog's tail for cosmetic purposes, but I have to say there's a right and wrong way to do it, and you are one f*cked up kid if you think this is the right way. If you want it gone, go to the "vet" and get the tail docked when you get your dog spayed/neutered, because if you don't know the right way to even dock the tail you sure as hell shouldn't be breeding.

PS, you're dad's an idiot if he thinks it doesn't hurt the dog. I repeat, tie a string/rubber band/hair tie around your finger real tight and wait for it to fall off. Then, and only then can you say it doesn't hurt. Shoulda had it docked when it was 3days old, and now you shouldn't even mess with the poor pup's tail. 7weeks is too young for a pup to leave it's mother, that's a fact, and if your dad thinks it's fine to take a pup away that young and there is no good vet out there that will agree, do you honestly think he's right about cutting off the circulation to the tail?

DOG TAIL CLIPPING DOCKINg? help please rottweiler tails (plze answser every possible question you can) THANKS!

the safe and most humane way to dock a tail is to have it done by a veteranarian who can make sure it looks good and the animal remains painfree and healty. banding - which is what you were trying to do is only ok in farm animals to castrate them and it is done with a very small tight rubber band, is not ok for a puppy. plus the hairband cannot provide enough force to cut off the circulation completely plus if it were to fall off that way you could be left with a lot of infection.

DOG TAIL CLIPPING DOCKINg? help please rottweiler tails (plze answser every possible question you can) THANKS!

My input is that if I needed to have my dog's tail docked I would do it the correct way, which is take the dog to the vet and have a vet who is familiar with the procedure do it.

I would never ever ever ever put a rubber band on my dog's tail because my dog has nerves, bones, and whatever else back there that I am not naming.

I know that there is feeling on her tail because I've seen her try to nip at her tail to itch it. When I touch her tail she knows I'm touching it and thinks that's the initiation of a game. I itch it for her and she knows i'm touching her tail.

I would also prefer my dog to have a tail (hers is docked and she arrived at the rescue with her tail docked and ears cropped). Her tails acknowledges her emotions as well as her ears. If her tail is wagging then I now she's happy if it's down then I know that there's something up.

Your dog's tail is fine and according to breed standard by the AKC they prefer to have some tail back there:

" Tail--Tail docked short, close to body, leaving one or two tail vertebrae. The set of the tail is more important than length. Properly set, it gives an impression of elongation of topline; carried slightly above horizontal when the dog is excited or moving. "

Yes putting a rubber band on your tail consitutes animal abuse/cruelty by some states. It's like putting a rubber band on your finger in hopes of your finger trying to come off. It's not going to come off because you still need to cut through the bone.

DOG TAIL CLIPPING DOCKINg? help please rottweiler tails (plze answser every possible question you can) THANKS!

no no no!! that's really mean, have it professionally done, please?

DOG TAIL CLIPPING DOCKINg? help please rottweiler tails (plze answser every possible question you can) THANKS!

How can you even try something like that?!?! How would you like to put a rubber band around your finger and see how long it takes to fall off?!?! How dumb of an idea is that?! Let's see how long that it would not bother you! When they go to a vet and have it taken off they are asleep. They do not feel anything. It is over quickly and there are pain meds available to help with any lingering pain as opposed to just letting them wear a rubber band for however long it takes to fall off. I can't believe that someone would condone that. I think that your friend should get in trouble for animal abuse. I work at a vet clinic and we had a Rott puppy come in with a rubber band on his tail and he had a HORRIBLE case of infection. We had to go even further up on his tail and get off more of it just to get rid of all the infection. He was sick for awhile. I can't believe that someone would actually think that is a good idea......

DOG TAIL CLIPPING DOCKINg? help please rottweiler tails (plze answser every possible question you can) THANKS!

Please take your dog to a local shelter and turn him over. You shouldn't own a dog if you ask a question like this.

DOG TAIL CLIPPING DOCKINg? help please rottweiler tails (plze answser every possible question you can) THANKS!


You asked a question about the MORON LEAGUE...well here is a prime example!

DOG TAIL CLIPPING DOCKINg? help please rottweiler tails (plze answser every possible question you can) THANKS!

Some of you people make me sick with your answers. We breed Dobermans and we always dock our tails. It is not for show, but for health reasons. Can you imagine being a dog and standing in the doorway and hitting your tail on the door frame, breaking it, and not being able to tell your "parents" that it is broken? Many breeds should have thier tails docked for health reasons. The doberman, boxer, rotti, pitbull and jack russell. Many of these breeds end up with severe hip displacia when they have long tails. The Docking process can be done threw your vet or threw your home...HOWEVER IF BANDING THE TAIL THIS MUST BE DONE BETWEEN BIRTH AND 3 DAYS OLD ONLY. During this time the puppy's tail is like rubber and the bones have not yet been formed properly. They also do not have a complete working nervous system, there for they do not feel the pain afterwards, they will feel it for the first few seconds, then they go on like nothing has happened. Dont get me wrong, its not an easy thing to do, and you always run the risk of infection, if you are not exprerinced in banding then the best way to do it is to get your vet to do it. What you guys have done is damage this pups tail. The tail is used for balance, but if you dock it before the pup is walking then they do not know that they need the tail for balance to walk. I hope this info has been helpful, dont listen to all these people who put you down and are rude, Im glad that people come here to ask advice, they shouldnt have to listen to all you people who have nothing nice to say

Good luck with your puppy and please take it to the vet to have it done properly. They will give it an anesetic and it wont feel anything I promise.

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