I like to scratch the INSIDE of my ear with a hair clip....
What about you?
What's the oddest thing you've put INSIDE your BODY?
I'm surprised you didn't get crazier answers then this.
I put methemphatimines in my body for 10 years.
I now have almost 2 years clean and sober. I crawled out of hell and didn't look back.
What's the oddest thing you've put INSIDE your BODY?
I plead the 5th
What's the oddest thing you've put INSIDE your BODY?
i once ate a hotdog i know a HOTDOG!wierd huh?
What's the oddest thing you've put INSIDE your BODY?
an empty Heineken bottle...I won't say where it went.
What's the oddest thing you've put INSIDE your BODY?
i like putting things in other people's bodies
What's the oddest thing you've put INSIDE your BODY?
When I was giving birth, the doctor had to break my water. It felt like he stuck his whole arm up there! So some guys arm was the weirdest thing thats ever been in my body.
What's the oddest thing you've put INSIDE your BODY?
I plead the 10TH. lol
no seriously, when the inside of my ear itches I use a pencil just to scratch. gross but hey! you asked
What's the oddest thing you've put INSIDE your BODY?
C'MON...u really want me in trouble..when i was 5 i drank a pepsi can full of gasoline..and when i was 6, i ate two bottles of st. joseph aspirin...yes, i di have to get my stomach pumped both times...also when i was 5, i had a stop sign go into my skull...does that count? happy day:)
What's the oddest thing you've put INSIDE your BODY?
I guess a Q-tip. I don't like putting things in my body. Freaks me out. The ears I'm use too.
What's the oddest thing you've put INSIDE your BODY?
I just ate this Korean food called Changran. It's season fish guts.
What's the oddest thing you've put INSIDE your BODY?
I'd way too embarrassed to say on here lol
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