Is there anyone who get a headache when you have a ponytail? When I pull back my hair in a ponytail, it always gives me a headache within an HOUR!! I'm sure I'm not pulling my hair too tightly. It's just tight enough to hold my hair in the certain position. I don't have too much hair and my hair is very healthy with fine thickness, not too thick, not too thin. Even when I just loosely pull my hair back together with a hair clip, it still gives me a headache. How can I have a ponytail without having a headache? Is there something wrong with me?
A Ponytail is causing me a bad headache?
I don't have the problem personally but I've seen some girls who have that same problem. The only way is simply not to pull back your hair. I really don't know what the cause is but it could be just a habit, I mean if you always let your hair down of course you will have a headache when you want to pull your hair back. If it's really bad then just forget it if it's not that bad maybe you would just get used to it and after a while you wouldn't get headaches any more.
Good luck! :)
A Ponytail is causing me a bad headache?
I have the same sucks
A Ponytail is causing me a bad headache?
Is this really an important issue? Stop wearing a ponytail!
A Ponytail is causing me a bad headache?
I get headaches when i have a ponytail and i have thick hair...i think its because my scalp is sensitive...i usually put my hair up with a clip, you can try that to stop the headaches!
A Ponytail is causing me a bad headache?
l had this the weight of you hair pulls on your roots. change you style or get your hair trimed.
A Ponytail is causing me a bad headache?
Trust me, I have worse. I suffer from permanent Migrains and no one knows what causes them. If you have long hair, get it cut and wear it down, you'll look nice (everyone does with their hair down)
A Ponytail is causing me a bad headache?
Many, Many people have the same problem. best solution - dont wear it in a ponytail. If you must, make sure it is very loose, so it doesnt pull on your scalp. That is what causes the headaches. Loads of people have this problem sweety, don't worry, nothing is wrong with you! just wear a very loose one if you must, or try very loose braids, braids are soooooo cute. You are NOT alone!
A Ponytail is causing me a bad headache?
you're pulling the hair to tight
A Ponytail is causing me a bad headache?
maybe because you ponytail your WET hair?now the water does not dry off and instead your scalp tends to suck the water...dry it first before pulling it back
A Ponytail is causing me a bad headache?
It's probably still pulling your scalp's nerves at a different angle than is typical.
I used to notice discomfort when I would take my hair down after wearing it up when the nerves had a different stimulation.
A Ponytail is causing me a bad headache?
drink alot of water, less acid drinks, uses the rubber cloth covered ponytail holders and put it in with a 2 finger space between your scalp and the holder!!
Also build ur scalp futher with shampoos for damaged dry hair and scalp!!
A Ponytail is causing me a bad headache?
there is nothing wrong with you. sometimes i do have headaches but not as severe as u. even if u tie ur hair with the pains because of its teeth. i advice you to leave your hair most of the time and then try tying ur hair in a ponytail. if it doesnt work try consulting a hair specialist..i am sure that will help.i am a gurl
A Ponytail is causing me a bad headache?
I get that too, I normally get headaches if I tie my hair back. I don't often tie my hair back, so it's not really a problem, I only do it when my hair is annoying me. But I do find that it is usually to do with how tight I tie my hair up, but it doesn't sound like that effects you. Though, I don't think there is anything wrong with you.
A Ponytail is causing me a bad headache?
You pulling your hair back too tightly, this can also cause your forehead to look bigger and your eyebrows to raise cos your pulling the skin forward, i would stop wearing a ponytail for a while or wear a loose one, loose hairstyles look much more elegant that tight ones anyway.
A Ponytail is causing me a bad headache?
i have the exact same problem, so now i only put my hair up into a ponytail when it is really necessary.If it's a pain why not cut your hair? but it really depends on how good u look with short hair.
A Ponytail is causing me a bad headache?
HEAVY HAIR is what you have. get it texturized with a razor to get rid of weight while keeping length (if you like the length). you can still put it up or wear it down and it will also be easier to do and take less time to dry, less product used.
when being texturized make sure the stylist doesn't texturize within the first and inch and a half of your hair line. and those hairs will hold down any flyaways when being pulled back.
yeah my friend is a gymnast she has headaches a lot because she has to put her hair up. I dont get a headache when I put my hair up, though, and I put my hair up tight.