Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Does anyone know of any Cleveland salons that participate in Locks of Love?

I am looking to get my hair cut soon (this week hopefully, it is ridiculously long!) and I know I am donating it. I was hoping to find a participating salon so that way they could just mail it for me and maybe I could get a free/cheap haircut without going to like Great Clips or some place that only charges $9.99 because I don't really want to trust my hair to them. My friend went into one of those places for a trim on her ends and ended up losing 6-7 inches of her hair to an unexperienced stylist. I would probably be bald if that happened so I really want to avoid that.

Does anyone know of any Cleveland salons that participate in Locks of Love?

If you are an East Sider, see the two Jenniffer salons that say they do Locks of Love. One is in Mentor and the other is in Mentor-on-the-Lake.

Or if you are a West Sider, how about signature hair salon in Parma? They say they do Locks of Love, too.

Does anyone know of any Cleveland salons that participate in Locks of Love?

Almost all hair salons do it, if you ask them. If not you can always ask to keep your hair and mail it yourself. My friend did that and it got to them fine. I hope you find one!

Does anyone know of any Cleveland salons that participate in Locks of Love?

ok did you check if i remeber right theres a list of salons on there

ive donated twice the first time i went to a salon that did it for free and sent it and all that and the second time my mom cut off the ponytail and then i went to a cheap place to finish it and it actually turned out good

maybe i can search some more and find a place

oh they used to have a list maybe try searching cleveland+hair salons+lock of love

also look on

Does anyone know of any Cleveland salons that participate in Locks of Love?

You can sell your long hair at: and use the money to pay for a good haircut.

What's the oddest thing you've put INSIDE your BODY?

I like to scratch the INSIDE of my ear with a hair clip....

What about you?

What's the oddest thing you've put INSIDE your BODY?

I'm surprised you didn't get crazier answers then this.

I put methemphatimines in my body for 10 years.

I now have almost 2 years clean and sober. I crawled out of hell and didn't look back.

What's the oddest thing you've put INSIDE your BODY?

I plead the 5th

What's the oddest thing you've put INSIDE your BODY?

i once ate a hotdog i know a HOTDOG!wierd huh?

What's the oddest thing you've put INSIDE your BODY?

an empty Heineken bottle...I won't say where it went.

What's the oddest thing you've put INSIDE your BODY?

i like putting things in other people's bodies

What's the oddest thing you've put INSIDE your BODY?

When I was giving birth, the doctor had to break my water. It felt like he stuck his whole arm up there! So some guys arm was the weirdest thing thats ever been in my body.

What's the oddest thing you've put INSIDE your BODY?

I plead the 10TH. lol

no seriously, when the inside of my ear itches I use a pencil just to scratch. gross but hey! you asked

What's the oddest thing you've put INSIDE your BODY?

C'MON...u really want me in trouble..when i was 5 i drank a pepsi can full of gasoline..and when i was 6, i ate two bottles of st. joseph aspirin...yes, i di have to get my stomach pumped both times...also when i was 5, i had a stop sign go into my skull...does that count? happy day:)

What's the oddest thing you've put INSIDE your BODY?

I guess a Q-tip. I don't like putting things in my body. Freaks me out. The ears I'm use too.

What's the oddest thing you've put INSIDE your BODY?

I just ate this Korean food called Changran. It's season fish guts.

What's the oddest thing you've put INSIDE your BODY?

I'd way too embarrassed to say on here lol

What can I use in place of hot glue or super glue?

I am Wanting to attach Tulle to a hair clip, but have neither.

What can I use in place of hot glue or super glue?

elmers will work or eye lash glue or tacky on tule, I would use tacky or fabric cause it is flexible...good luck with this ~:)

What can I use in place of hot glue or super glue?

Not sure if it will work, but try dabbing on a little egg white. I know that is a way to fix chipped china and it holds well, so maybe that will help. Otherwise a tiny bit of chewing gum? Okay, so I am really reaching here!.....; )

What can I use in place of hot glue or super glue?

A craft glue will work, but you will probably have to apply pressure longer or clamp it. Plain old Elmer's glue will probably hold it for a day or so, until you can buy a stronger glue. Good luck!

What can I use in place of hot glue or super glue?

joannes tacky glue, you need some sort of glue that will hold fabric or just forget it. most things like superglue wont hold onto fabrics and might disolve some of them.

What can I use in place of hot glue or super glue?

I'd have to know what the hair clip is made of, before I could give you a definitive answer. Without knowing that, the best I can do is to send you to this site. It should help you.

DOG TAIL CLIPPING DOCKINg? help please rottweiler tails (plze answser every possible question you ca

I have like a 7week old rottweiler,and it still has its tail,its about 1" in diameter.I want the tail to be off

now i kno you can put a rubber band around it so that it looses it's circulation and blood flow and sometimes doesn't hurt the dog at some cases.My friend put a small hair tie around it about 1inch away from the body?and it was on there for about 5days, it bothered him as time went by.. then somebody told him there gonna get in trouble for cruelty or sum bs. and so he took it off. its been 2days wit out it on, the tail is still on, but u can tell that there has been a rubberband and that it was already losing blood flow.

Wouldyou rather have a rubber band around it to loose blood flow, so it will shrink and shrivel and fall off. rather then taking it in and the vet cuz the dogs tail off or watever they do. my dad has done the rubberband thing and it DEFINETLY doesnt hurt the dogs like as if the tail was clipped. it only bothers her when she lays on it certain way

DOG TAIL CLIPPING DOCKINg? help please rottweiler tails (plze answser every possible question you can) THANKS!

I'm going to try and be polite here - so I'll try to stay as professional as I possibly can w/o criticizing you, your friend or your family.

*ahem* The rubber band "theory" won't work. The tail not only has muscles, ligaments, tendons and NERVES but also BONE!!!

It's an extension of the backbone. You'll need to go to the vet to get the tail docked so they can cut the bone and cartilage away with minimal nerve damage.

*sigh* People like you, your friend and your fater should not own ddogs, or have kids.

(couldn't help it.. had to put my 2 cents in)

DOG TAIL CLIPPING DOCKINg? help please rottweiler tails (plze answser every possible question you can) THANKS!

Most people don't know this but a dog's tail aids them in their balance. If the dog was meant to be born without a tail it would be and if they didn't need them they wouldn't have them, it is cruel to remove it, it's like you removing one of your fingers.

DOG TAIL CLIPPING DOCKINg? help please rottweiler tails (plze answser every possible question you can) THANKS!

take the rott to the vet, thats what I always do with ny rotts

DOG TAIL CLIPPING DOCKINg? help please rottweiler tails (plze answser every possible question you can) THANKS!

I would always recommend that a vet carries out this particular procedure to decrease the possibility of causing pain and suffering (even if unintentional) to your dog. The sooner it is done the better but please don't attempt it yourself. I don't know where you are but breeders in the UK are not allowed to perform the 'rubber band' method any more and any reputable Rottie breeder would have made sure that the puppies tails were docked before you bought him/her. This is providing they are professional and breed dogs to 'breed standard'. Some people don't agree with tail docking at all and some vets won't even perform the procedure here but certain breeds like Boxers and and all gun dogs with long tails need this as their tails are very fragile and they are working in rough areas (retrieving) and the suffering of a broken or damaged tail is far worse than having it docked in the first place.

DOG TAIL CLIPPING DOCKINg? help please rottweiler tails (plze answser every possible question you can) THANKS!

Take it to your local vet and get it done there if you want it done right.

DOG TAIL CLIPPING DOCKINg? help please rottweiler tails (plze answser every possible question you can) THANKS!

How horrible! How would you like itif I cut one of your appendages off?!

DOG TAIL CLIPPING DOCKINg? help please rottweiler tails (plze answser every possible question you can) THANKS!

Gimme your address bubblehead. I want to put a rubber band around your neck. Leave the tail alone. That dog can look forward to a life of misery with you.

DOG TAIL CLIPPING DOCKINg? help please rottweiler tails (plze answser every possible question you can) THANKS!

The rubber band one the tail causes SERIOUS NERVE DAMAGE TO THE SPINE! You would be better off having it docked when you had him fixed. Honestly, your breeder should have had it done no later than 3 days after birth when the dew claws were removed, or does he still have those? If he does you should have researched where you got your pup from. GET HIM TO THE VET!! An infection could be setting up in his spine from the open tissue on the tail. And as for it hurting when the vet does it, they are under anesthetic and you can also get a pain shot for him. Better than a life threatening bacterial infection in the spine that could cause him to not be able to walk.

DOG TAIL CLIPPING DOCKINg? help please rottweiler tails (plze answser every possible question you can) THANKS!

Tails should be docked when the pup is days old not weeks old. Docking a tail at 7 weeks will be an amputation that should only be done by a vet. PLEASE do not try this yourself!

DOG TAIL CLIPPING DOCKINg? help please rottweiler tails (plze answser every possible question you can) THANKS!

Would it bother you if we put a rubber band around your finger so it loses blood flow and drops off? When docking a dogs tail the vet needs to cut between the vertibrae, leave a flap of skin to sew over the open end and monitor it to make sure there is no infection. IT WONT FALL OFF. There is other things such as sinew and nerves and veins and muscle and bones that need to be taken into consideration when docking a tail. Doing something like that is just cruel and how do you know it doesnt hurt the dog, is the tail attached to you ? No its the dog who cant tell you if it hurts who it belongs to.

DOG TAIL CLIPPING DOCKINg? help please rottweiler tails (plze answser every possible question you can) THANKS!

Um, what you are doing is considered animal cruelty. Docking a dogs tail is SURGERY and needs to be done by a professional. If you attempt to do this on your own, you are breaking the law and can (and should) go to jail and/or pay a fine. Can you imagine the pain that poor thing is in by having a tie tied around it's tail?

Generally dog's tails are docked within the first few days of being born. Your dog is too old to have this done now.

Unless it's a show quality dog, why do you even NEED to dock it's tail? Are you not aware that dogs need their tails for balance to walk, run, and swim?

I don't think you are nearly educated (or compassionate) enough to have a dog.

DOG TAIL CLIPPING DOCKINg? help please rottweiler tails (plze answser every possible question you can) THANKS!

Putting rubber band on the dog's tail and trying to do it yourself generally constitutes animal cruelty. From what I have been able to learn, the tail should have been done when he was 4 or so days old. I would consult a vet because at this age it will cause your puppy more pain to have the vet properly do it. Also, even though I don't think so, some of the people that will answer your question will consider you superficial and do you really want to be thought of like that? That's something to think about.

Good luck.

DOG TAIL CLIPPING DOCKINg? help please rottweiler tails (plze answser every possible question you can) THANKS!

If you are in the UK, then trying to dock your own dog's tail is now against the law. Why did you get the puppy if you wanted a docked one? If you still want the dog docked, it will have to be done under anaesthetic %26amp; you probably won't find a vet willing to do it. If you persist with the rubber ring, it won't work, the puppy will get an infection %26amp; could die without treatment.

DOG TAIL CLIPPING DOCKINg? help please rottweiler tails (plze answser every possible question you can) THANKS!

I don't know about that, ask a vet. I wouldn't do it personally. This dog probably needs medical attention.

DOG TAIL CLIPPING DOCKINg? help please rottweiler tails (plze answser every possible question you can) THANKS!

If a rubber band was placed around the tail for more than 24 hours and you removed it you are now going to kill the dog with sepsis. Get it to the vet and have the tail removed before the infection spreads. This should be done when a pup is days not weeks old. Yes at this stage it will hurt.

DOG TAIL CLIPPING DOCKINg? help please rottweiler tails (plze answser every possible question you can) THANKS!

What a ridiculous Question ???Which would you rather have tied around your penis????How cruel and inhumane!!!Please seek Family counseling A.S.A.P.That is like a doctor saying circumcision doesn't hurt a baby!!!WeeeeeeWOOO!!You better not tell the wrong person about this stupid behavior or you might get to go to jail!!!!!!Forget the tail and worry about it killing someone.!!!!!!

DOG TAIL CLIPPING DOCKINg? help please rottweiler tails (plze answser every possible question you can) THANKS!

Are you a freaking IDIOT?? How about put a rubber band real tight around your wrists til your hands fall off and you can't type anymore stupidity here!

DOG TAIL CLIPPING DOCKINg? help please rottweiler tails (plze answser every possible question you can) THANKS!

Tie a string real tight around your finger. Now leave it for a week. Now you can tell me it doesn't hurt the dog, but I think that you'd be lying.

Anyways, docking when a pup is 3days old is not NEAR as bad as what you're attempting to do. I don't agree with removing a dog's tail for cosmetic purposes, but I have to say there's a right and wrong way to do it, and you are one f*cked up kid if you think this is the right way. If you want it gone, go to the "vet" and get the tail docked when you get your dog spayed/neutered, because if you don't know the right way to even dock the tail you sure as hell shouldn't be breeding.

PS, you're dad's an idiot if he thinks it doesn't hurt the dog. I repeat, tie a string/rubber band/hair tie around your finger real tight and wait for it to fall off. Then, and only then can you say it doesn't hurt. Shoulda had it docked when it was 3days old, and now you shouldn't even mess with the poor pup's tail. 7weeks is too young for a pup to leave it's mother, that's a fact, and if your dad thinks it's fine to take a pup away that young and there is no good vet out there that will agree, do you honestly think he's right about cutting off the circulation to the tail?

DOG TAIL CLIPPING DOCKINg? help please rottweiler tails (plze answser every possible question you can) THANKS!

the safe and most humane way to dock a tail is to have it done by a veteranarian who can make sure it looks good and the animal remains painfree and healty. banding - which is what you were trying to do is only ok in farm animals to castrate them and it is done with a very small tight rubber band, is not ok for a puppy. plus the hairband cannot provide enough force to cut off the circulation completely plus if it were to fall off that way you could be left with a lot of infection.

DOG TAIL CLIPPING DOCKINg? help please rottweiler tails (plze answser every possible question you can) THANKS!

My input is that if I needed to have my dog's tail docked I would do it the correct way, which is take the dog to the vet and have a vet who is familiar with the procedure do it.

I would never ever ever ever put a rubber band on my dog's tail because my dog has nerves, bones, and whatever else back there that I am not naming.

I know that there is feeling on her tail because I've seen her try to nip at her tail to itch it. When I touch her tail she knows I'm touching it and thinks that's the initiation of a game. I itch it for her and she knows i'm touching her tail.

I would also prefer my dog to have a tail (hers is docked and she arrived at the rescue with her tail docked and ears cropped). Her tails acknowledges her emotions as well as her ears. If her tail is wagging then I now she's happy if it's down then I know that there's something up.

Your dog's tail is fine and according to breed standard by the AKC they prefer to have some tail back there:

" Tail--Tail docked short, close to body, leaving one or two tail vertebrae. The set of the tail is more important than length. Properly set, it gives an impression of elongation of topline; carried slightly above horizontal when the dog is excited or moving. "

Yes putting a rubber band on your tail consitutes animal abuse/cruelty by some states. It's like putting a rubber band on your finger in hopes of your finger trying to come off. It's not going to come off because you still need to cut through the bone.

DOG TAIL CLIPPING DOCKINg? help please rottweiler tails (plze answser every possible question you can) THANKS!

no no no!! that's really mean, have it professionally done, please?

DOG TAIL CLIPPING DOCKINg? help please rottweiler tails (plze answser every possible question you can) THANKS!

How can you even try something like that?!?! How would you like to put a rubber band around your finger and see how long it takes to fall off?!?! How dumb of an idea is that?! Let's see how long that it would not bother you! When they go to a vet and have it taken off they are asleep. They do not feel anything. It is over quickly and there are pain meds available to help with any lingering pain as opposed to just letting them wear a rubber band for however long it takes to fall off. I can't believe that someone would condone that. I think that your friend should get in trouble for animal abuse. I work at a vet clinic and we had a Rott puppy come in with a rubber band on his tail and he had a HORRIBLE case of infection. We had to go even further up on his tail and get off more of it just to get rid of all the infection. He was sick for awhile. I can't believe that someone would actually think that is a good idea......

DOG TAIL CLIPPING DOCKINg? help please rottweiler tails (plze answser every possible question you can) THANKS!

Please take your dog to a local shelter and turn him over. You shouldn't own a dog if you ask a question like this.

DOG TAIL CLIPPING DOCKINg? help please rottweiler tails (plze answser every possible question you can) THANKS!


You asked a question about the MORON LEAGUE...well here is a prime example!

DOG TAIL CLIPPING DOCKINg? help please rottweiler tails (plze answser every possible question you can) THANKS!

Some of you people make me sick with your answers. We breed Dobermans and we always dock our tails. It is not for show, but for health reasons. Can you imagine being a dog and standing in the doorway and hitting your tail on the door frame, breaking it, and not being able to tell your "parents" that it is broken? Many breeds should have thier tails docked for health reasons. The doberman, boxer, rotti, pitbull and jack russell. Many of these breeds end up with severe hip displacia when they have long tails. The Docking process can be done threw your vet or threw your home...HOWEVER IF BANDING THE TAIL THIS MUST BE DONE BETWEEN BIRTH AND 3 DAYS OLD ONLY. During this time the puppy's tail is like rubber and the bones have not yet been formed properly. They also do not have a complete working nervous system, there for they do not feel the pain afterwards, they will feel it for the first few seconds, then they go on like nothing has happened. Dont get me wrong, its not an easy thing to do, and you always run the risk of infection, if you are not exprerinced in banding then the best way to do it is to get your vet to do it. What you guys have done is damage this pups tail. The tail is used for balance, but if you dock it before the pup is walking then they do not know that they need the tail for balance to walk. I hope this info has been helpful, dont listen to all these people who put you down and are rude, Im glad that people come here to ask advice, they shouldnt have to listen to all you people who have nothing nice to say

Good luck with your puppy and please take it to the vet to have it done properly. They will give it an anesetic and it wont feel anything I promise.

Beauty problems??

I try everyhting but i can never get my hair to go where i want it to I have a few hair sprays but not much cause my mom wont get me very much and not very many clips or ties either. And a couple years ago ppl used to make fun of me cause my eyebrows werent perfect!! and so about a year ago i plucked them myself and now i have to use eyebrow pencil to get it to be where you can actually see my eyebrows.. what should i do?? grow them back out?? i cant get them waxed cause my mom wont let me. And please give me some tips on my hair to!! THANKS!!

Beauty problems??

You can go out to a store like Target or something and they have eybrow kists that have stencils, a eyebrow pencil, and eyebrow shadow and you can trace them in until they grow to be that shape!! MAke sure you DONT plukc them anymore!!!

Beauty problems??

try plucking your eyebrows. and redken shape lotion for hair works well to keep your hair in place. meanwhile try to prove to your mom that you are responsible enough too get your eyebrows waxed.

In Flash, why is my movie clip stoping when my main timeline stops?

I thought movieclips have an independant timeline. Am i stoping my main timeline improperly ( i tried stop(); and prevFrame(); )? I just want a movie clip to loop while the main timeline stops. Please help before i yank my hair out.

In Flash, why is my movie clip stoping when my main timeline stops?

Not sure - I do flash movies with macromedia flash and there is an option to set it to loop.

How do i make a poof with a ponytail if i dont have bangs?

I have straight hair, but no bangs. I've tried putting it up in a ponytail, then trying to pull hair out of the ponytail. Big mess. I tried taking out the hair (where the bangs would be), putting the rest up in a ponytail, and then taking the poof hair, poofing it and then putting it up with another ponytail. Kinda weird. I want it to look like this.

Is there any other way i can poof it without bangs? Or have i been doing the above wrong? I've tried using bobby pins and clips. The bobby pins work better. Is there a way I can make it look "cleaner" and "tidy"?


How do i make a poof with a ponytail if i dont have bangs?

hi candice! i've almost got the same name as you.

ANYWAY, it is possible to do it without bangs. actually it's really simple. i won't really advise backcombing (teasing). that's a lot of work and secondly, you're gonna kill your hair. there'll be loads of knots.

what you can do is quiff it. you might have heard of this term before. but if not this is how you do it.

1. before you tie you hair up, pick up a big bunch of hair from your crown.

2. wet it just a little and comb through it, make sure they're slicked through and neat.

3. twist your bunch of hair slightly and push it upwards as much as you want. (determines size of poof)

4. pin that down securely.

5. tilt your head back and gently gather up all your hair. this helps get it a little neater without combing and destroying everything you've just done.

6. tie your hair up and dont forget some hairspray to keep that poof up all day!

take care(:

How do i make a poof with a ponytail if i dont have bangs?

OKAY, hun. I don't think you can do that with out bangs. See...your hair would be to heay since its long to do that if you don't have any bangs.

How do i make a poof with a ponytail if i dont have bangs?

take the section of ur hair from eyebrow to eyebrow, and about halfway to the back of ur head. split it in half - top and bottom-. hairspray and tease the heck out of the bottom part- no this really wont kill ur hair- and then pull the top section over it and pin it. u will have that great bump, and no one will ever know whats under it :)

How do i make a poof with a ponytail if i dont have bangs?

How to do Pooff in hair

American/english words... the american word for braid..?

what is it called when you wrap embrodery thread/other coloured around a small portion of the hair.. usally people get them done on holiday.. im looking for how to clips on youtube!!

thanks =D

American/english words... the american word for braid..?

american word for braid is braid, when you braid ribbon or thread into braid i think it's called weaving, weaved braid

American/english words... the american word for braid..?

Braid... When You Take Three Pieces Of Hair And Twist Them... Its A Braid

What was the first thing you ever bought online?

Just Curious thought thid might be fun. Mine was a vintage hair clip on ebay.

What was the first thing you ever bought online?

A set of teacups.

What was the first thing you ever bought online?

Stanley #4 bench plane, off of ebay.

What was the first thing you ever bought online?

Canon Digital Camera

What was the first thing you ever bought online?

Brownie Girl Scout uniform

What was the first thing you ever bought online?

Books from , can't remember which though! I've ordered alot of books and DVD's since then...

What was the first thing you ever bought online?

Concert tickets to see blue... haha!

What was i thinking...

What was the first thing you ever bought online?

A Harry Potter book. :D

What was the first thing you ever bought online?

a book

What was the first thing you ever bought online?

holistic dog food for our S/P

What was the first thing you ever bought online?

a book by Ba Jin ---a famous chinese writer--called 'family'

What was the first thing you ever bought online?


What was the first thing you ever bought online?

I haven't bought anything yet.

What was the first thing you ever bought online?

never buy things on Internet, don't think it's safe enough to give out my bank details.

What was the first thing you ever bought online?

A golf training aid for my b/f's birthday.

What was the first thing you ever bought online?

An outfit from Bebe back in 1998. Back then, nearest Bebe was 50 miles away and their website was new, so I thought it was the holy grail!

What was the first thing you ever bought online?

fanclub membership through paypal

What was the first thing you ever bought online?

Parfume and body creams from Yves Roche'

What was the first thing you ever bought online?

Printer ink.

What was the first thing you ever bought online?


What was the first thing you ever bought online?

CDs off Ebay.

What was the first thing you ever bought online?

a cd

What was the first thing you ever bought online?

Books from Barnes and Nobles

What was the first thing you ever bought online?

hells of shoes

What was the first thing you ever bought online?

Flight ticket

What was the first thing you ever bought online?

nothing yet.

What was the first thing you ever bought online?

So far I think my best purchase was a huge French Poster of a movie called Ladyhawke. None of you have probably watched this movie but it was really cool.. Anyway poster is so big that it takes up half a wall in my apartment and is one of the first things people see.. If you are curious of the size of the poster I think it is 6 foot by 8 foot.. like I said huge:) Oh and it was a great deal at 25 dollars

What was the first thing you ever bought online?

a small metal horse painted like trigger. i have been hooked ever since.

What was the first thing you ever bought online?

A plane ticket a few years ago and I was so happy I didn't have to deal with the call phone and talking to a customer

I unexpectantly found a pink lip gloss-like substance on my hub's undies. What the?

I was doing the laundry.

No, I won't smell it!

He works in a trailor 4 the military. Can't figure out what else it could be.

I thought we were happy. We laugh all the time and have regular sex. I also found a hair clip a week ago in our car that wasn't mine. I don't know what to think or do.

I unexpectantly found a pink lip gloss-like substance on my hub's undies. What the?

Im a guy and I hate dudes that do this kind of stuff,makes it hard for those of us that dont cheat.[we're not all dogs] So check it out CONFRONT HIM.

I unexpectantly found a pink lip gloss-like substance on my hub's undies. What the?

talk to him, then put your shoe up his butt

I unexpectantly found a pink lip gloss-like substance on my hub's undies. What the?

These are all sign of an affair. If you want to deal with it, hire a PI.

I unexpectantly found a pink lip gloss-like substance on my hub's undies. What the?

if you suspect it its true

I unexpectantly found a pink lip gloss-like substance on my hub's undies. What the?

ask your husband ,then take action

I unexpectantly found a pink lip gloss-like substance on my hub's undies. What the?

Unless your husband is a transvestite, then he is cheating on you. UNLESS he is lending out your car to his friends and they are having sex in your car - but most likely, your hubby is cheating on you. If you try to approach him and ask him, he will probably deny it.

God bless and good luck!

I unexpectantly found a pink lip gloss-like substance on my hub's undies. What the?


sounds like he's up to no good. u better have a serious talk with him.

I unexpectantly found a pink lip gloss-like substance on my hub's undies. What the?

put some lipstick on a pair of YOUR panties and leave them on the couch for him to find. See what HIS reaction is.

If he is in the military, you have him by the balls.

You can threaten him with reporting him to his C.O. It would wreck his career if he is cheating on you.

He needs a real slap in the head.

I unexpectantly found a pink lip gloss-like substance on my hub's undies. What the?

He is most probably cheating on you. tell him that you know, how you feel about it, and that he is an asshole.

I unexpectantly found a pink lip gloss-like substance on my hub's undies. What the?

unfortunaltly military life is hard on marriages and they all have a high divorce rate. I know the army is taking measures to help cut down on divorce rates. I wish the other militay services would do the same. My husband is in the Navy and he is always telling me about how the guys cheat on thier wives when they are on deployment. Alot of the wives are just as bad. You need to confront your husband and maybe suggest marriage counseling. Hopefully it isn't what you think but it sounds like he is having an affair.

I unexpectantly found a pink lip gloss-like substance on my hub's undies. What the?

You need to face to truth..

Hair clip in the car that ain't yours says it all..

Don't let it break you guys up.. talk about it and face the truth..

Tell him look I won't be mad because if you are seeing someone that means that I'm not doing what turns you on.. it means I'm not being the wife you want me to be.

And no doubt if he is cheating it's your fault because why would he go else where if he had the perfect wife at home???

I know it's blunt but it's the fact..

Wishing you the best of luck.


I unexpectantly found a pink lip gloss-like substance on my hub's undies. What the?

this a matter of ur life %26amp; future, home is not a place to talk....go out for a walk %26amp; ask him clearly %26amp; tell him u need honest answer.

I unexpectantly found a pink lip gloss-like substance on my hub's undies. What the?

If you haven't already washed the substance away, take the undies and put them up somewhere where he'll never find them. Take the hair clipping and put it with the undies. If you find any other clues, take them and put them with the first two.

Now, hopefully you have two cars, so you have transportation. What's even better is if you have a friend with a car you can borrow so you won't be spotted. It's also better if you don't have a job your committed to because being your own detective can be time consuming.

When he leaves for work you wait for him to get down the road a bit then take off behind him and you tail his every move as often as possible. If he's off work and leaves to go out...tail him.

Also, check his vehicle when he's not around for items that another woman may have accidentally left or letters she may have written. Also, take a lint roller and run them over the car seats to pick up her hair. If he's got a cellphone check it every time he's sleeping. You can write down all the numbers and do a reverse lookup on the internet to find out names and addresses of published home phone numbers. As for cell numbers, you'll just have to call all of them and be nosey. If ya come up with addresses from the reverse lookup, find them and park somewhere and see who lives there.

There are lots of ways to catch a cheater. Even if they are good at it, they'll slip up from time to time. Looks like yours has already been slippin. Eventually you'll catch him if he's cheating and when you do beat the hell out of her first because you don't know when you may get the chance to do that again. Then, when you get him home if ya can't whip him while he's awake, you just boil some grits and throw it on him while he sleeps or beat him with a bat. After that you file for divorce and move on!

I unexpectantly found a pink lip gloss-like substance on my hub's undies. What the?

Sorry hun dosent sound good. I would bet dollars to dounuts he is haveing an afair. Confront him with it, don't ignore the signs.

I unexpectantly found a pink lip gloss-like substance on my hub's undies. What the?

Lip gloss on underwear + strange hair clip = the likelihood of infidelity. I know that this is tearing you apart, but you need to gather more evidence. Cell phone, and credit card bills, bank statements, and receipts, are all tattle-tale evidence that you need, if you confront him.

I unexpectantly found a pink lip gloss-like substance on my hub's undies. What the?

Yep. He's probably cheating. Start to be a bit unreliable yourself to set him up. Say you'll be home late because of a meeting or book club or something. Then come home early and say it was cancelled. Surprise him by coming to meet him at work for lunch. "Accidentally" switch cell phones with him and see who calls all day. If you know his code, call into his phone and listen to his messages. Get a nanny cam for his car, as that seems to be a hot spot. Ask him to go away for a two week vacation and see what his reaction is.

DUMB SIDE BANGS (click here!)?

I got side bangs yesterday on the left side only. Stupid me, I went to cheap Great Clips. They cut them too short. They are right below my eyes instead of by my cheekbone. They look really DUMB.


Give me ideas on how to wear my hair so no one sees the bangs. I can wear my hair in a pony tail and put a headband on and no one sees it, But I don't like my hair like this. I want some variety in my styles. With Christmas comming up I need Ideas.

I need ideas for hairstyles. GIVE ME IDEAS.


DUMB SIDE BANGS (click here!)?

pin your bangs back with bobby pins but not really flat looking and straighten the rest of your hair

DUMB SIDE BANGS (click here!)?

Bangs grow really fast. You'll be surprised. When you dry them, make sure they're combed straight down and flat against your forehead, so they don't poof up and look shorter. Then sweep them over to the side AFTER they're dry.

DUMB SIDE BANGS (click here!)?

try pushing them to the side in a low-medium pony with a bobby pin.

DUMB SIDE BANGS (click here!)?

maybe cut them shorter to be real bangs.

DUMB SIDE BANGS (click here!)?

use one of those tiny clip things and clip the bangs to the side or something..

DUMB SIDE BANGS (click here!)?

You poor thing! Honestly, I would get hair extensions. You don't even have to get them sewn in, just get the clip ons. I got a HORRIBLE hair cut last yaer, and the clip ons didn't look obvious at all. I was getting my hair layered, and they cut the first layer WAY to short! It was 1 %26amp; 1/2 inches. It looked so retarded. you can probably imagine.

DUMB SIDE BANGS (click here!)?

You could use some hair product to style them... Wax or gel would probably be the best. That way, you could do practically anything with your bangs!

DUMB SIDE BANGS (click here!)?

they'll grow quick, just pin them up.......

DUMB SIDE BANGS (click here!)?

try pulling some long pieces of hair down with it. it might help ya keep it behind your ears instead in front of your eyes like a boy.

or pull them back with a bobbie-pin, in a poof kinda way, with the rest of your hair down. that's cute.

but to be simple...just get a bobbie-pin and pin them to the side..with the rest of your hair in a cute ponytail, so it doesn't look tacky. good lucké–³?br>DUMB SIDE BANGS (click here!)?

1st-it never pays to take the cheap way out

2nd- hair grows about 1/4 to 1/2" per month-you can get Biotin vitamins from GNC that help a little

3rd-I guess just cute little sparkly clips that you can kind of slick them to the side with, it will still look like you have side bangs, but you can hide their length-just gel or spray the crap out of them to the side and pin :)

Teen guys does this look any good?

I have long blonde hair, slightly thick and frizzy.

I always part my hair in the middle and it looks very boring so i decided to try and pin it back.

When I did it with a twist at the end and tried to poof it up it didn't work and i could only do it with metal clips becasue bobby pins wouldnt work (how do you use bobby pins anyway?) and it would keep trying to part instead of staying up and poofed.

So instead when it was wet I brushed the top up and clipped it back like right at the back of my head, like Hayden Panettiere at the MTV Awards (except a little less poof).

I don't know if this is any good or how I should try for the poof?

(age 16 )

Teen guys does this look any good?

as long as ur hot and interesting (mostly hot) than i don't care

Teen guys does this look any good?


Teen guys does this look any good?

honestly, most guys dont like the "poof"

Teen guys does this look any good?

i hate that chick.

Man shoots himself after resigning?

I was watching Michael Moore's movie "Bowling for Columbine" the other day. There was a clip of a man with white hair who put a gun in his mouth and pulled the trigger. Luckily, they cut away before you could see the end result. My boyfriend told me it was some guy who told everyone he had resigned from something, then shot himself. Sorry if I'm out of the loop, but who was that?

Man shoots himself after resigning?

January 22, 1987, public suicide of Pennsylvania state treasurer Budd Dwyer, who shot himself during a press conference with a .357 magnum....

(edit) supposedly the song "hey man nice shot" by the band Filter was written about this

- one of the faces of death dvd's or banned from TV dvd's has the incident on it

[added] to the guy who posted below me... the question really has nothing at all to do with Michael Moore lol it's ok, you can Chillax

How do I obtain the actual porn from a clip that is online? My boyfriend is convinced that the girl

My boyfriend's friend sent him a clip of Asian porn and now he is convinced that the girl in it is me!! We have the exact same hairstyle and skin color. He says that our faces look JUST ALIKE but it's not me!!! The clip doesn't show the girl from the front so it's hard to see her face. Her profile does have a SLIGHT resemblance to mine especially since her hair is covering her face half the time. He said that he compared OUR porn and the pictures of me he has to her and won't believe me that it's not me...What should I do? Is there anyway that I can obtain the actual porn of the clip? The clip is from

How do I obtain the actual porn from a clip that is online? My boyfriend is convinced that the girl is me!?

try going to and paste the url of the video on the space provided. this site will convert the video then will notify you to download the file. (note: you can convert it to multiple file formats.)

Christians - the books of Leviticus and Deuteronomy, do they apply to you or not?

Are Christians supposed to follow these rules or not?

- Not eating any pork.

- Not trimming the hair at your head's sides or clip the beard.

- Not wearing clothes made from more than two fabrics.

- Circumcising your children.

- Putting to death family members who worship other god(s).

- Marrying your brother's widow.

Are you supposed to follow these or not? If you are, do you follow all of them? If you don't, will you stop quoting these books when telling others what's right or wrong?

Christians - the books of Leviticus and Deuteronomy, do they apply to you or not?

You're asking them to stop being hipocritical. I believe that runs counter to their religious beliefs... so it might just work! That is, if they choose not to ignore the parts of your question that they don't like, which is also against their religious teaching.

Christians - the books of Leviticus and Deuteronomy, do they apply to you or not?

well i for one have a beef with leviticus.

Christians - the books of Leviticus and Deuteronomy, do they apply to you or not?

No, Jesus came around and the OT is obsolete....but they continue to use it when need when teh gays want to get married.

Christians - the books of Leviticus and Deuteronomy, do they apply to you or not?

No, because I don't live in ancient theocratic Israel.

And I don't quote them when telling others what's right and wrong.

Christians - the books of Leviticus and Deuteronomy, do they apply to you or not?

they apply sometimes and not always, they only apply when it's needed to attack gays or something, any other time they've been invalidated

they premise the attack on gays on a mistranslation

Christians - the books of Leviticus and Deuteronomy, do they apply to you or not?

No, absolutely not. This is part of the Mosaic law-given to ancient Jews only!

Christians have never been under the law-although many try to get under the law.

Christians - the books of Leviticus and Deuteronomy, do they apply to you or not?

Christians mean followers of Christ Jesus. Jesus made corrections to parts of the old testaments. So to answer your question, yes and no.

Christians - the books of Leviticus and Deuteronomy, do they apply to you or not?

The Law of Moses was fulfilled by the Law of Christ as stated in the Bible.

For example, baptism was the fulfillment of circumcision.

If you did not adhere to the Law of Moses, you shall be put to death. There was no forgiveness under that law. That is why Paul called it the law of death.

Now we are under the Law of Christ (New Covenant).

There also are certain regulations, but it is nothing like the Law of Moses.

The Law of Moses, was only a copy and shadow, pointing to Christ.

Christians - the books of Leviticus and Deuteronomy, do they apply to you or not?

apostle paul hated gays

if you follow apostles pauls teachings, and if you are a christian, you do follow apostle pauls teachings

then homosexuality is wrong

1 man

1 woman

thats what apostle paul taught

Christians - the books of Leviticus and Deuteronomy, do they apply to you or not?

Yes. They do to me except I don't have a brother to marry his widow.

Christians - the books of Leviticus and Deuteronomy, do they apply to you or not?

Just like the rest of the bible and their beliefs, they will pick and choose those parts which best fit the lifestyle that they've already chosen to live and completely ignore the rest. If they can't find something to justify their behaviour, they'll twist and turn words in the book until they can construct some semblance of an excuse.

Any christian who says that doesn't happen isn't being honest.

Christians - the books of Leviticus and Deuteronomy, do they apply to you or not?

Hebrews 8:8 from Jeremiah 31 -- Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah: Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt; because they continued not in my covenant, and I regarded them not, saith the Lord. For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people: And they shall not teach every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for all shall know me, from the least to the greatest. For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more. -- back to Paul; 13 In that he saith, A new covenant, he hath made the first old. Now that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away.

Christians - the books of Leviticus and Deuteronomy, do they apply to you or not?

Christ answered that question over 2,000 years ago. He said the Law was summed up in the two great commands, to love God whole-souled and to love your neighbor as yourself. So you can work it out very easily. Which of the Ten Commandments can be dropped if those two principles are to be honored?

Christians - the books of Leviticus and Deuteronomy, do they apply to you or not?

Yes and no. There are certain laws in the books of Leviticus and Deuteronomy that we are to follow as God's children. However, there are some things that are written in the books that applied to the early tribes of Israel.

When Christ came to earth, he came to put an end to the old covenant and he came to fulfill the law of Moses. As believers in Christ, we have been redeemed, and sealed for eternity by the Holy Spirit, and our names have been written in the Lamb's Book Of Life. Not only that, but we have been etched into the hands of our Redeemer. When Christ was nailed to the cross, all of our sins, (Past, Present, and Future) were nailed to the cross with him. Therefore we were made righteous before him.

The Bible also states that we are to abstain from things that would cause your fellow brother/sister in Christ to stumble and fall away.

Christians - the books of Leviticus and Deuteronomy, do they apply to you or not?

The question is not as simple as some may think when it comes to providing an answer that is tenable and free of problems. There are simplistic answers too often given that have resulted in chaos, the rejection of precious truths, and false teaching in general.

For instance, some say all teaching before Acts 2 is the Law of Moses and is, therefore, inapplicable to the Christian today. Others maintain that the gospels are part of the Covenant of Christ and as a consequence, are binding on Christians. Both these positions are extreme and untenable.

We are under the Last Will and Testament of Jesus Christ, not the Law of Moses. There is no mistake that the "handwriting of ordinances" was "nailed to his (Christ, dm) cross" (Col. 2: 14). The Law of Moses was never designed to be a universal law for all nations (Deut. 5: 1-3).

Moreover, as a theocracy it would have no practical application to any people other than the Nation of Israel (I am not saying the morals laws, as such, are irrelevant). However, a system was prophesied that would be for all nations (Isa. 2: 2, 3). In regards to the inauguration of Jesus' Testament, he said: "Go ye therefore, and teach all nationsé–³?quot; (Matt. 28: 19, cp. Mk. 16: 15, 16). Jesus' Testament was ratified by the shedding of Jesus' own efficacious blood and began to be officially binding when it was proclaimed and announced in Acts 2 (see Heb. 9: 15, also chapter eight).

Moreover, if one seeks justification by the law (the law containing circumcision) Paul said: "Ye are fallen from grace" (Gal. 5: 4, 1-3). A law demanding perfect law keeping in order for pardon (the Law of Moses) and the "perfect law of liberty," the law involving grace are mutually exclusive (Jn. 1: 17; Jas. 1: 25).

In other words, the Law of Moses and the "perfect law of liberty" cannot co-exist (Rom. 11: 6). Jesus' Testament is a system of law, but also, unlike the Mosaic Code, contains the provision of grace (Gal. 6: 2, I Cor. 9: 21; Jn. 1: 17, Eph. 2: 8-10).

The gospels and the Law of Moses. Jesus was born, lived, and died under the Law of Moses (Gal. 4: 4). Hence, the law that Jesus sinlessly kept was the Law of Moses (Heb. 4: 15, Gal. 4: 4, for the expression "law of Christ" and "Law of Moses" see Gal. 6: 2 and Luke 2: 22). Therefore, all of Jesus' personal teaching that he did while on earth was under the canopy of the system that God gave to Moses for the Jews.

Not only did Jesus perfectly live according to the Law, but also he instructed the Jews whom he taught to follow the law. Hear him:

"1: Then spake Jesus to the multitude, and to his disciples, 2: Saying, The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat: 3: All therefore whatsoever they bid you observe, that observe and do; but do not ye after their works: for they say, and do not" (Matt. 23).

Jesus also exposed those who perverted the teachings of the Law by their oral traditions (Matt. 5: 20-48). Scorching condemnation proceeded from the lips of Jesus in regards to the teachers who did not live according to the Decalogue (Matt. 23: 13 ff.). In addition, Jesus provided instruction to different individuals that was congruous with the statutes peculiar to the Law, such as physical sacrifice or offerings (Matt. 5: 23-25). Notwithstanding, all these biblical facts do not simply mean that all anterior to Acts 2 pertained to the Law of Moses and the Jews and all subsequent to Acts 2 is binding today. It just is not that simple.

Much of Jesus' personal teaching (the Gospels) was anticipatory of his law. John the Baptist, just as Jesus, lived and died under the system of Moses. However, he preached to the people, "Repent ye, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand" (Matt. 3: 1). John, while under the law, "baptized in the wilderness, and preached the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins" (Mk. 1: 4). Many were baptized of John (Mk. 1: 5). While John's birth and life were prophesied in the Hebrew scriptures, John's teaching and baptism were anticipatory, that is, they looked beyond the arrangement God had made with physical Israel. John's baptism was not only a "baptism of repentance" (baptisma metanoias), but it was also a "baptism unto repentance" (baptizo eis metanoian, see Mk. 1: 4, Matt. 3: 11). John's baptism, then, was the result of people repenting and his baptism also produced repentance. The produced repentance, I submit, was that repentance to be associated with Jesus' baptism that was fully begun in Acts 2 (see. Vs. 38). In this same vein, we read that "Jesus made and baptized more disciples than John" (Jn. 4: 1).

Both John and Jesus' baptism were under the Law, but not part of the Law, as such. They were preparatory and anticipatory and of the New Era that was coming, the Age of the Son of God (I shall return to this thought later).

God spoke through his Son. The writer of Hebrews affirmed that God spoke to man ("the fathers," the Jews) in "divers manners" (Heb. 1: 1). The King James renders verse two thus: "Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Soné–³?" The proponents of the view that everything before Acts 2 is the Law of Moses and does not apply today say, "Hebrews 1: 2 is proof that God speaks in the last days through his Son, the time after Acts 2. The Greek of Hebrews 1: 2 is "ep eschatou ton emeron touton" (Interlinear Greek-English New Testament, Nestle/Marshall). Literally translated, the Greek is saying that the Father spoke to man at the end of these last days or toward the termination of the Law of Moses. The American Standard reads, "Hath at the end of these days spoken unto us in his Soné–³?quot; (Heb. 1: 2). What is the point? Hebrews 1: 2 shows that Jesus' teaching, at least some, while he was on earth and under the Law of Moses (before Acts 2) is binding and authoritative in this final era.

Some indicators as to Jesus' personal teaching being a part of his Last Will and Testament. Shortly after Matthew mentions the preparatory work of John the Baptist, we read regarding Christ, "Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand" (Matt. 3: 2; 4: 17). Six verses later we find this statement, "And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdomé–³?quot; (Matt. 4: 23). Was Jesus while on earth simply and only preaching matters peculiar to the Law of Moses? Nay, verily, Jesus was announcing kingdom truths.

Remember that Jesus told his apostles that the Holy Spirit would, "閳ヮ泩ring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you" (Jn. 14: 26). These matters brought to their remembrance that Jesus had taught them (before Acts 2) would help constitute the teaching for the kingdom. Were these matters simply Jesus' teaching relative to endemic truths concerning the Law of Moses? I think not. In addition to the miraculous assistance of the Holy Spirit, Jesus told his disciples, "Remember the word that I said unto you閳?quot; (Jn. 15: 20). We find about fifteen references to "the gospel" or "the gospel of the kingdom" in the Gospels. Jesus said, "The poor have the gospel preached to them" (Matt. 11: 5). Notice that this is before Acts 2.

In regard to the matter of the woman who anointed Jesus he said, "Verily I say unto you, wheresoever this gospel shall be preached in the whole world, there shall also this, that this woman hath done, be told for a memorial of her" (Matt. 26: 13). The "whole world" meant Jew and Gentile. Hence, "the gospel" as here used by Jesus was not the Law of Moses. Notice, however, that Jesus said "this gospel," it was then being preached, at least in prospect.

In connection with the Great Commission, Jesus said "Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded youé–³?quot; (past tense, Matt. 28: 20). Relative to kingdom truths being enunciated during the three and one half year period of Jesus' ministry, please consider Jesus' statement: "The law and the prophets were until John; since that time the kingdom of God is preached, and every man presseth into it" (Lk. 16: 16).

Present tense teachings issued in the gospels while the Law of Moses was still binding. The gospel of John contains the famous "I ams" (ego eimi) of Christ. Jesus said, "I am the resurrection, and the lifeé–³?quot; (Jn. 11: 25). Jesus was not, in a technical sense, actually the resurrection as he spoke, he had to first die and be raised (I Cor. 15: 20). However, it was certain that he would be raised (the figure of prolepsis, cp. Rom. 4: 17, "calling those things which be not as though they were"). Jesus spoke in the present tense climate to the Jews anterior to Acts 2 regarding "eating his flesh and drinking his blood" (Jn. 6: 53). Jesus continued to say that those who imbibed him "hath eternal lifeé–³?quot; (vs. 54). All of these teachings and more Jesus enunciated before Acts 2. We understand, though, that these matters, while spoken in the present tense, looked to Jesus' resurrection, coronation, and glorification.

Jesus taught in the present tense when he emphatically told Nicodemus, "Ye must be born again" (Jn. 3: 7, see vs. 3-8). Even though Jesus presently spoke, we know his teaching was anticipatory (Jn. 3: 14 ff.). Consider Jesus' teaching regarding personal offences:

"15: Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother. 16: But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more,

Christians - the books of Leviticus and Deuteronomy, do they apply to you or not?

One of the 'deviations' to God's word is the 'definition' of old testament. Satan defines it (via deceit of man) as Genesis-Malachi; God defines it as thelaw of Moses. The 'law of Moses' includes much of Leviticus and part of Deut. but not all; therefore it is next to impossible to say 'all or none' of Lev.%26amp; Deut. apply or do not to 'us' Christians' today.

Christians - the books of Leviticus and Deuteronomy, do they apply to you or not?

The following verses are taken only from the Gospel of John and they tell us that Moses was a thief, a robber and a liar, are you to blind to see the truth ?

For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.

--No man hath seen God at any time--; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.

John 1:17-18 (KJV)

And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: John 3:14 (KJV)

Ye have neither heard his voice at any time, nor seen his shape. And ye have not his word abiding in you: for whom he hath sent, him ye believe not. Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: John 5:37-39 (KJV)

Verily, verily, I say unto you, Moses gave you not that bread from heaven;

but my Father giveth you the true bread from heaven. For the bread of God is he which cometh down from heaven, and giveth life unto the world. Then said they unto him, Lord, evermore give us this bread.

And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life John 6:32-35 (KJV)

Verily, verily, I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep. --All that ever came before me are thieves and robbers--: but the sheep did not hear them. John 10:7-8 (KJV)

Christians - the books of Leviticus and Deuteronomy, do they apply to you or not?


No, those laws no longer apply, unless they're affirmed by the New Testament. For example, homosexuality (which I'm pretty sure this is a reference to) is condemned in the New Testament, along with sexual immorality in general.

Let me see if I can explain this. Jesus said, many times, that the Israelites (specifically the Pharisees) were following the law to the letter, but had no love for God in their hearts. And this, to God, was just as bad as not following the law at all.

I've been wrestling with this issue myself, lately, but after reading Jesus' own words, I understand. It doesn't matter if I eat pork, or wear blended clothing materials, or trim my hair. What matters is if I TRULY love God, and want to do His will. Does that other stuff really matter? No. As long as I'm not doing anything that could harm me, or harm others, I'm fine.

Does my eating pork harm others? No. Does it harm ME? Well, it could, if I didn't cook it properly, or if I ate too much too often.

Does it harm others if I wear a shirt made of a poly-cotton blend? No. Does it harm ME? Heh, no.

See my point?

It's not about "picking and choosing" like others say. I don't cherrypick the Bible. I take the entire Bible, as a whole, and step back to look at the big picture. And the big picture is that the most important thing to God is that we love Him, and love each other.

Christians - the books of Leviticus and Deuteronomy, do they apply to you or not?

Funny how you only single out only christians for this question, but not jews or muslims (who believe Moses is a prophet).

Christians - the books of Leviticus and Deuteronomy, do they apply to you or not?

Usually not, it's under the Old Covenant and Christians were freed by that and theyre under the New Covenant. I know it says later in the bible that circumcision isn't necessary. most of those things people ignore, it's sad that they do some of the most primitive ones like circumcising though.

What's in your handbag?

In mine is:-


Work Keys

Home Keys


Hair Clip

Tic Tacs

Bus Card

Driving lesson card

random bit of paper

Pay slips



(and this is a tiny bag AND i've had a clear out)

Whatis in yours??

What's in your handbag?


fudge bar

galaxy bar


phone x2 work and personal

2 pens


hand cream

T5 pass

coldsore cream

lip gloss

spoon dont ask!

lip balm

more lip gloss

even more lip gloss



cheque book

ISA paying in book

oh another lip gloss

trebor mini mints

safety pin

key from what i dont know!

rennie tablets

hair pin


thats it i think! and ive had a clear out recently!

What's in your handbag?


What's in your handbag?




thats it :) hate carying things around. not a big fan of the bag lady look.

What's in your handbag?

Most of the above, plus some c r a p from my kids - bottles of juice, toy cars, leaves they've picked up, bits of ribbon etc! My handbag has to be large, by the way, to accommodate all the rubbish they expect me to carry round!

What's in your handbag?



mobile phone

marker pens

make up

What's in your handbag?


Mobile phone

Work keys

House / car keys



Chewing gum

A dvd which i need to drop off at friends later

Bit of paper

Thats it!

What's in your handbag?

some currency, couple of credit cards %26amp; some business cards.

What's in your handbag?

apart from the kitchen sink???? (I really don't know how men can survive without a bag of some kind)

What's in your handbag?

Mobile phone

mp3 player





jeremy clarkson book



ah the humble treasures of a student. :)

What's in your handbag?



lip stick

lip gloss

lip tint

lip salve

cash card

chewing gum

screwed up post-it note reminding me to by tights (been in there about a week!)

What's in your handbag?

ok in mine is:


10 box b%26amp;h silver


House keys

Oyster card

chewing gum


slimming tabs ( from doctor not illegal ones!)

Mobile phone




not a lot really is it???

What's in your handbag?

Money and a membership card of a club. Not so interesting, is it?

What's in your handbag?

I got my wallet which contains my Credit and Debit Cards, cash, and pictures of family and my fiance.

My home keys, tampons (if its that time of month again) post it prompts, or a tiny notepad.

My fave Eyeliner, lipstick, and lip balm.

Mint, or Mentos.


My Scrunchie

and thats about it :-) Maybe a bar of chocolate to make my day, and perhaps a pack of those listerine strips which are GREAT for traveling BTW. :)

What's in your handbag?

Sorry, I do not use a handbag...I am a dude!

What's in your handbag?


Sanitary Towels





Credit card (purse to big for bag)

What's in your handbag?



Bank statement



Lip gloss

Pill container


Eye drops

The Usual suspects

What's in your handbag?



note book


house keys

Hair Clip



other unpaid bills

office Identity card

What's in your handbag?


house keys

mobile phone


wet towel wipes


thats it.

What's in your handbag?

everything %26amp; anything, trust me you probably dont wanna know!

What's in your handbag?

I think it is easier to say, what isn't in my handbag! (only joking)

I have the following in mine.


Mobile Phone


Car Keys

Work Keys

a Pear

Bottle of water




Petty Cash for work

Train ticket



Chewing Gum


Hair Brush

Make up

Perfume (tiny bottle)

Cup a Soup (chicken flavour)



Packet of tissues.

I think that is it. Come of think of it, I didn't actually realise how much rubbish I carry around with me and it is only a small bag.

Mental note to myself - I must clear my bag out tonight.

What's in your handbag?

work keys

home keys

car keys

2 mobiles


bits of post it notes





2 purses

an accessorize catalogue

cant remember what else

What's in your handbag?

it depends. my normal everyday bag will have:



-breath mints


-lip gloss


-a book or magazine

-hair scrunchie and clips

-mini spray

but when i'm using a really teeny tiny bag (usually to parties) i have:

-lip gloss


-extra cash

-mini spray

What's in your handbag?

Did you know that they valued what we women carry in our bags and it was so scary we carry around on average about 鎷?50 in it!

I have all of the above tampax just in case, a sewing kit just in case, sellotape just in case and has come in handy, letter from friend in America, bill due to be paid, stamps,pen and pencil just in case, a note book for when I get an idea to write something just in case, christmas present list, diary and for some strange reason a balloon? Oh and a menu from take away indian restraunt.

So really summing up our bags the kitchen sinklol

What's in your handbag?

1.Bunch of keys.

2.Prada baby blue pouch containing sweets,blotters,medicine,Dior Addict2.

3.Prada tissue pouch

4.Nokia N73 mobile

5.Foreign currency wallet

6.Brown leather Prada wallet


8.Viceroy menthol lights ciggies.

9.Toshiba notebook

What's in your handbag?

Currently carrying:


house keys

mobile phone

hair brush

lip balm


hand cream

digital camera

back-up tape for office computers

retractable umbrella

random bits of paper

It's not a big bag either, my boyfriend is always amazed at what I carry around with me!

What's in your handbag?

perfume, lip gloss, petruleum jelly, face powder (pink, and natural color), ballpen, papers, notes, calculator, cellphone, eyeliner, mascara, alcogel, coins, mp3 player, lighter and sometimes ciga

What's in your handbag?

Lotion and my dildo.

What's in your handbag?

little notebook


house keys

wallet with money, cards, and id's

coin purse

make-up kit with lipstick, powder, eye shadows, liner




paper soap


cell phone


sometimes, a novel

What's in your handbag?

wallet, medication, lots of lip gloss and chap stick, papers, receipts, gum, tic tacs, sometimes dental floss, cough drops, tampons and pantyliners, tums, work stuff, pens, change, cell phone.....I need a bigger purse.

What's in your handbag?

Keys, phone, purse, about 5 lipsticks/glosses, makeup bag, umbrella, train card, work card, nail file, baindaids, tampons and probably so much more buried in nooks and crannys that i cant even think!

What's in your handbag?




Hair clips

Body spray

Thats it.

How is a pinner cap attached on a colonial period doll?

I sew doll clothes for american girl dolls and the like, and want to make some pinner caps for felicity and elizabeth (or any doll) How does american girl doll company have girls attach the pinner caps? Historically accurate is to use a hat pin, but I'm not going to do that. I thought a little hair clip would work well. Thanks!

How is a pinner cap attached on a colonial period doll?

Hi- I just found this site. I also design/make doll clothing (many for AG dolls). When I make a Pinner cap, I sew a very small "loop"--tiny, at both the front (underside) and back (underside).

I then insert a hairpin in one or both loops and 'bury' into the doll's hair. So far, it seems to be working just fine as I've not heard otherwise from customers.

Hope this helps!


Pinning Back Bangs With Bobby Pins / Clips ?

How do i pin back my bangs?

My hair is long brown and layered with bangs.

How do i pin back my bangs to look cute?

Photo's of this style would be appreciated

(im living in uk not us by the way x)

Pinning Back Bangs With Bobby Pins / Clips ?

I have layered, side swept bangs now, because i got so tiered of pinning them to the side. But that was always the cutest look for me. Just pull from the bangs from one side to the other, and pin, then look cute. My other fav way to pin them back is to pick up the bangs and pull them back with a little poof. It looks fabulous.

Pinning Back Bangs With Bobby Pins / Clips ?

pin them back first. spray with hairspray. then put a big headband over it.

Hair help for school !?

my boyfriend wants me to wear pigtail coz he thinks they look cute and i said il look about 10 but im just gunna go along with it how should i wear them though should i put the pattern in the middle or side and what colour head band blak or red or pink and what colour bobles should i wear one flowery bobble too ? and what clips ? i got butterfly ones and more !!!

Hair help for school !?

Don't worry, there is a way to wear pigtails without looking like a 10 year old!

Make sure your hair is frizz (and tangle) free by using some serum and then combing it through. Part your hair down the middle, and then gather one side of this into a pigtail. Make it loose though, the bobble shouldn't be right next to your head, but just below your ear, then repeat this on the other side. Use whatever bobble you want to, it doesn't matter!

You could also do the same, but when you part your hair, leave a little bit from the front. Then once you have put both sides into bobbles, use kirby grips or any clip to put this bit back into a small quiff. It looks less 10-year-old-like that way. Try both, see what suits you!

Hair help for school !?

chill out just wear ur pigtails in the back u know hiding them but not and u should wear a hot pink head bad or a black either way its gonna look good for u = )

Plz answer!?

how do I style my hair like miley's in this video clip?

thank you!!!

Plz answer!?

it looks like she straightened the bottom layer and then curled the top layer

... so do that!

Hair extensions help!?

i saw them at sallys

but it was one big piece

do i have to cut them?

also do i have to sew on clips?

Hair extensions help!?


Hair extensions help!?

they are in one long strip. And yes you do have to sew them in!

Hair extensions help!?

you would have to braid your hair and sew it in.

How do i color over anime clips using Windows Xp movie maker?

Like changing the color of sailor moons skirt and hair ?

How do i color over anime clips using Windows Xp movie maker?

it's hard (bloody) to it with with the movie maker and never try that before, try using photoshops and some animation softwares i think, i tried that with animations softwares here in my computer. i suggest don't try it with movie maker or you'll end up in failure. maybe. it's up to you

Best saloon???

I want to have my hair cut soon, i've tried some OK places like supercuts, haircutters, and great clips. And i'm not satisfied. I used to have my own proffesional hairstylist back in my country, so yeah, i dunno where to go here in Temecula/Murrieta area. So, where do you guys go? And how much does it cost for medium-length hair? Thanx!

Best saloon???

Look for a toni%26amp;guy salon or a salon that is affiliated with toni%26amp;guy. There a very establish business with salons and school all over the world. They pride themselves on the percision and visatility.

Go there and you will be satisfied!

Prices vary from $17+

Best saloon???

my favorite saloon doesnt cut hair but pours some mean drinks

Does anyone know where to get scuni hair stuff?

im looking for scuni bobby pins and oval clips. can you just get them drugstores? they don't even have to be scuni. just pins and clips please :) oh and cheap ones =) ohh oh andddddd does anyone know how much scuni pins and clips usually cost?

Does anyone know where to get scuni hair stuff?

cvs sells all the scunci products

Does anyone know where to get scuni hair stuff?

you can get them at drug stores but you'd probably have a better bet at getting them at a hair salon or a beauty supply store like Ulta.

Does anyone know where to get scuni hair stuff?


Does anyone know where to get scuni hair stuff?

walmart sells it

Does anyone know where to get scuni hair stuff?

You can try a beauty supply store like Sally's or wal mart and walgreens sells scuni

Does anyone know where to get scuni hair stuff?

I usually see hairclips and such, even scuni, at walmart and they are ussually 2-5$.

Does any know what those clips are called that show during commericals and after the tv show is fini

okay so i'm gonna try to explain this as best as i can. i talking about when you see the cast posing and there hair is pulling. example: at the end of most shows on the cw and fox, they would say "only on fox" with a a cast member breaking the 4th wall.

Does any know what those clips are called that show during commericals and after the tv show is finished?

in television speak...they are referred to as 'bumpers' they 'bump' the viewer from one segment to anudder...

I have short hair, about down to the bottom of my neck, and it's layered. Any suggestions on ho

I have a whole bunch of butterfly clips that are of a larger size than the little kid ones. With or without the clips, any ways I should wear it so I dont look like a little kid?

I have short hair, about down to the bottom of my neck, and it's layered. Any suggestions on how to wear it?

there are many things yu can do with a middle length hair and that is layered. you can flip it in or out, or you can also do some curls. have you ever thought about getting a side swoop bangs? with your length of hair and the cut you have, a side swoop bang would look fabulous.

I have short hair, about down to the bottom of my neck, and it's layered. Any suggestions on how to wear it?

wear it how your avatar is wearing it!!!

I have short hair, about down to the bottom of my neck, and it's layered. Any suggestions on how to wear it?

flip and tuck with side fringe

I have short hair, about down to the bottom of my neck, and it's layered. Any suggestions on how to wear it?

Wear all the butterfly clips on one side.

Would this be cute?

To curl like a couple strands in the front of ure hair and curl...but than should i clip the strands back or just leave them

Would this be cute?

leave em. did you think of that urself?awesome!

Would this be cute?

leave them gurl

Would this be cute?

sounds cute, go for it and if you don't like it then just straightin it again. hope it works!

and try both ways to see what look better on you

Would this be cute?

u should curl a few more strands in the back too just to even it out.

Would this be cute?

leave them

Would this be cute?

leave them

How can I spice up a straight hairdo?

My hair looks terrible wavey or curly or worn up in a ponytail, it only looks nice straightened and worn down. Trust me, I've tried everything and that's all that works for me. That can get boring sometimes. What kinds of things can I do to my hair to make it look cooler? Is there anything cool I can do with clips or anything like that? I need help!

How can I spice up a straight hairdo?

try clippin parts up in a messy kind of way. i get parts from each side and clip them together in a kind of quiff.

How can I spice up a straight hairdo?

put it up in a bun

How can I spice up a straight hairdo?

Try highlights..That always gives you a new look. Or, I know you dont like putting it up but, if you put it up in a pony, then backcomb that a little, then bobby pin it in like a messy (But sexy) bun. I dont know, just throwing it out there

How can I spice up a straight hairdo?

Try a headband...thats what everyone told me..and i tried it. It looks good!!Just try diff accessories!!!

What colour accessories should i wear with dress to the summer ball?

I have a long black dress with thin straps, i want to liven it up with some accessories.

I have long brown hair which i will curl, i was thinking of buying a flower hair clip to brighten it up, as its in June.

I was thinking yellow??

What colour accessories should i wear with dress to the summer ball?

Most colours go with black, yellow would be lovely as would pink or pale blue.

Personally I like crimson!

What colour accessories should i wear with dress to the summer ball?

yellow or pink

What colour accessories should i wear with dress to the summer ball?

yellow would be lovely. either that or ice blue, or jade green.

What colour accessories should i wear with dress to the summer ball?

yes yellow is good..

silver / diamonte

or a good colour for this season is... light blue/torquise

What colour accessories should i wear with dress to the summer ball?

pink is a good choice, im not to sure about yellow, but pink is deffo what i would go for, or a nice red, for the hot summer night :)

What colour accessories should i wear with dress to the summer ball?

I think yellow would make it too bee-like. I would say pink.

What colour accessories should i wear with dress to the summer ball?

Yellow would look good. However, if you want to look classy use white or cream accessories and maybe buy a necklace like beads. If you want to stand out you could use red as that colour usually matches brown hair. A flower would look niced tucked behind the ear. I would find hair clip with a lilies as they could ina variety of colours and look very femine. I would avoid roses unless you go with red accessories. Pastel colours look good with black, you could have pale pink or baby blue accessories. If you wanted to add a bit of sparkle buy a diamante cross, these look nice and are very noticeable but not to over the top. Hope this helps x

What colour accessories should i wear with dress to the summer ball?

sapphire blue or

emerald green

What colour accessories should i wear with dress to the summer ball?

yellow or pink

What colour accessories should i wear with dress to the summer ball?

Everything goes with black but some striking chunky turquoise would look great with it. It would brighten up such a dark colour for a summer ball. Hair in a simple 'up' do with statement earrings and necklace would look fantastic!

What colour accessories should i wear with dress to the summer ball?

beautiful necklace that shimmers ,diamante or coloured i make up jewellery for prom and weddings .so please if you would like have a look in my store .

im sure you will find something to suit,thanks janet

What colour accessories should i wear with dress to the summer ball?

yellow owuld be really nice!

Need to know, dying extensions yes or no?

i have magi-lee 100% human hair clip in extensions

if i get my hair dyed, can i get them dyed to match?

Need to know, dying extensions yes or no?

Yes, if it's human hair it can be dyed. I would think twice about bleach, it will be hard on the hair....

Need to know, dying extensions yes or no?

yep no problem, just keep in mind that the extension hair has already been processed so much that it might not lift to blonde or a lighter color so i would suggest going darker with them, not lighter.hope this helped!

Need to know, dying extensions yes or no?

yeah! you for sure can. just make sure to do them at the same time as your hair so they maych! good luck hun!

Extensions or real?

Okay, my hair is pretty much dead and I'm terrified of bleaching/dying it a again...

But I really want a coonstripe...

So I was thinking of gettingn a few human hair clip in streaks in different colors, then striping those and just changing them daily, depending on which color I want. XD

Would this look stupid? :/

Extensions or real?

I think the look is somewhat attractive actually....however i would stay away from like black and dark browns....i would say maybe pinks and reds or carmel colors to complement the blonde

Extensions or real?

i think coontails are freakin cool! def. wouldn't look stupid and you can change the colors. thats so sick i wish i could do it to my hair haha

Extensions or real?

Woohoo for coontails!

I have them and everyone seems to love them,

so its not a bad idea.

Right now i have clip ins,which would be the best choice

if you wanted to change them up once in awhile.

Extensions or real?


Start all over.

Extensions or real?

No not really. Mny females are opting for extensions rather than dying their hair. Besides it's more healthy on your hair. So go for it!

Looking for a particular hairstyle?

Ive been trying to find a picture of a hairstyle I want for my wedding. Its hard to decribe but here goes: You need long straight hair and It sort of looks like lattice at the back with the hair going into diamond type shapes and held together with jewel clips. sort of like a juliet cap. I saw the style once on tv and cant find a picture anywhere! Would be very greatful if anyone had one.

Looking for a particular hairstyle?

Hairdressers tend to be visual creative people, so if you went to a salon, and described it with perhaps some basic diagrams, im sure you'd be surprised with what they can come up with.

Also they will be able to customise it to your hair.

Unfortunately no two heads of hear are the same, so nothing will ever look exactly like a picture.

Looking for a particular hairstyle?

well i think this hairstyle sounds butiful and lovely,have you tried asking a hairdresser? or looking threw sum magz or even searching the internet or ask some fwends that could be a gr8 way to look for it....i hope u find it and hav a gr8 wedding

Looking for a particular hairstyle?

does this site help

Looking for a particular hairstyle?

If you go to a hair salon they have many many books of different hairstyles-including unique ones. Mabye you remember the channel you saw it on and can check out their webpage, sometimes you can find the topics that were discussed on them. Also, try typing hairstyles for wedding or updos, or even juliet cap into yahoo photos. Good Luck!

Looking for a particular hairstyle?

I had some good hairstyle photograrphs if you send me your email add I will be able to send that photographs to you %26amp; if you also describe your wedding outfit it will help me.

Looking for a particular hairstyle?

a hair stylist is the best adviser so go 2 a parlar @ happy marriage. best of luk

Looking for a particular hairstyle?

Try these links, the last one in particular looks very similar to what you've described, just modify it to your specifications. good luck to you and have a great wedding day.