Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Not allowed to Shave?!?!?!?!!?

I'm 13 and I'm still not allowed to shave (or wax, or use products like nair) Its embarrassing b/c in gym class everyone is allowed to shave except for me!Like literally everybody!

I've tried everything

Secretly shaving

tweezing out every hair (Too painful and takes to long)

using nail clippers to clip out each hair ( too long and its painful cuzz sometimes i clip my skin..ewww)

Its just not fair....

My mom keeps on saying things like don't worry we'll do it in winter break...Winter break comes and i am still not allowed to do it.....Than she says we'll do it in January....But then January comes and i still have hairy legs.....Finnaly she said i could do it after my Time of Month.That came and I still have hair legs.!!!

Another thing is....is that my mom will never let me shave....I would only be allowed to wax( Thats really

Also their is this one girl.Lets call her April.Who's not allowed to shave either. And everybody on my bus make fun of her...The only reason they don't say

Not allowed to Shave?!?!?!?!!?

wear sweatsin gym. and , if summer comes and you still cant shave, i would wax. it hurts but its alot better than nothing.. and i really hope your mom loosens up. alot of people find their true love in hughschool and if youre not offered that experience then that will be a bummer. and, i really do hope you have naturally pretty hair. if you dont use surf hair in it, that would make it wavy. or try scrunching it. talk to her about natural makeup like brown eyeliner, brown eye shadow, light bronzwer, light brush and clear mascara. good luckk

Not allowed to Shave?!?!?!?!!?

Oh dear.

Talk to your mum like an adult, tell her in a mature way that it is embarassing.

Ask her to help you with buying some shaving products, so shes feels shes making the decision!

try it!

good luck x

Not allowed to Shave?!?!?!?!!?

tell your mum not to shave for 13 years and see how she likes it =\

just do it while she isnt home

Not allowed to Shave?!?!?!?!!?

ask your mom why your not allowed to

Not allowed to Shave?!?!?!?!!?

why dont you just shave then. honestly what is your mom going to do if she found out you shaved your legs

Not allowed to Shave?!?!?!?!!?

Okaii that must RLLY suck.. im 12 and my mom let me shave my legs.. but i dont see why she wont let u ... thats soo weird.. go to your friends and go to the mall buy a shaver and leg cream and shave your legs privately.. your mom wont suspect a thing.. and keep your razors in your room with your cream so she wont see.. HIDE THE EVIDENCE%26gt;. well gl hope u have smooth unhairy legs :D

Not allowed to Shave?!?!?!?!!?

talk to ur mom calmly and tell her why you want to shave. tell her that its embarassing. she mite not be letting u becuz she thinks ur not ready but tell her that u are and why. be calm and patient. ya its hard but shell come around.

good luck

Not allowed to Shave?!?!?!?!!?


im frikin 15 i cant find places on my entire body(except my head) to SHAVE......

uhh why doesnt scretly shaving work?...like just go to some other place and shave....

isnt there something like the more u shave the more its its going to grow...?

Not allowed to Shave?!?!?!?!!?

Tell her that your going to kill yourself if she doesnt let you do it. Kidding. I've been shaving since I was 10! TEN!!! LOL, just talk to her and say your gonna run away, overdose, shave your head, etc. if she doesn't let you do it. LOL

Not allowed to Shave?!?!?!?!!?

Wow i started shaving when i was 10!! Sit your mom down and have a mature talk with her. Let her know that her desision is a bit stric. If that dose'nt work do it behind her back

Not allowed to Shave?!?!?!?!!?

just do it. im not one to say to go behind your parents back and do what they told u not to. but at 13, i know u need too. just do it and tell her. she may be mad, punish u, whatever, but atleast u wont be hairy anymore. just dont shave unless u really feel that u should, it does get worse when u do.

Not allowed to Shave?!?!?!?!!?

Maybe you should just sit down and really tell your Mom how much this bothers you. I'm kind of surprised that she isn't being more understanding. When I went through this, I actually didn't even ask my Mom. I just got some razors and took care of it. If she doesn't want you to use razors maybe she will let you use an electric one. They make them for girls. Maybe that would be a good compromise for now. I don't see why you would be allowed to wax but not shave. hmm, well, just talk to her first and see what happens. I mean the only thing you can really do is try to get her to go along with it or do it on your own. The same with the hair and makeup thing. Would she at least let you use some lip gloss?

Not allowed to Shave?!?!?!?!!?

If you explain to her in a calm manner that you feel uncomfortable in gym class becuase you feel like everyone is staring at your legs, im sure she will give in.

Not allowed to Shave?!?!?!?!!?

your mom is way over the top, frankly. whatever her problem is, you need to learn to manage her. I suggest the adult approach: tell her you're tired of being controlled and treated like a child, and that the only way you can develop as a whole and responsible is to make decisions for yourself and experience the consequences. to shave or not is not a life-threatening decision, and she should be able to cut you some slack on this.

if the adult approach (no whining, no crying) doesn't work, shave anyway and see what happens. be ready for the s*** to fly and you can always report her if she abuses you, physically or emotionally. that's what school counselors are there for. best of luck growing up with that woman. I feel for you.

Not allowed to Shave?!?!?!?!!?

eww if u can just sneak it do it and wear jeans and dont tell her my friend is not allowed 2 shave but she does anyway like if u totaly have no chance of convincing her just dont tell her and u can put makeup on at school and stuff and she dosnt have 2 no u have a bf

Not allowed to Shave?!?!?!?!!?

Normally I'd NEVER give this type of advice, but I was in the same situation as a child and teen. My mother swore that if I left the hair on my legs and under-arms alone it would fall out and never come back! I began to secretly shave my legs and under-arms and I kept it secret until I reached 18. If your mother is anything like mine and she does sound like her, I know that trying to talk, no matter how calm or reasonable, she most likely won't listen, shave in secret and good luck. GOD BLESS.

Not allowed to Shave?!?!?!?!!?

Sorry but you do have to talk to your mum, explain why you feel that you need to shave and everything else that bothers you.

Also talk to her about why her rules embarass you, and ask her why she think her rules are appropriate.

The trick here is to compromise, she explains where she is coming from and you explain where you are coming from, and both find a mutual agreement.

If possible recruit you father or adult figure your mum listens to as your ally.

Let your mym know you understand that her rules are to proctect you (and that you love her for it), but also that you are growing and whether you are 13 or 23 when hair grows and needs to be shaved, it needs to be shaved!

Good luck!

Not allowed to Shave?!?!?!?!!?

you expressed yourself clearly, that's cool, you seem bright, honestly I don't know the answer

Not allowed to Shave?!?!?!?!!?

omgsh! just tell your mom your old enough to shave your legs. or just take your mom's razor handle and get a new razor blade or even better go to the mall with one of your friends alone and buy one for yourself.

what's the worst she can do? ground you because you were shaving your legs?

anyways hope that helped!


Not allowed to Shave?!?!?!?!!?

Sweetheart, you need to try to put your Mom in your shoes! In a nice way. do you know if your Mom every felt the pain or humiliation of being teased as a teenager? If she has then ask her why would she want her daughter to go thru it. On the flip side, your Mom is afraid of letting her lil girl grow up. Shaving your legs is a big step towards growing up! Not all Mom's accept it at your age. I have a daughter of 22 I let her shave the first time she asked because I remember the pain and embaressment. Even though I didn't want my Lil girl to grow up I knew it was going to happen. I hope you can sit her down and have a good kind heart to heart with your mother. 13 is a very hard age.

Not allowed to Shave?!?!?!?!!?

try using hair minimizing lotions, over time, it will make your hair finer and less visible, talk to her about buying you some. Also, maybe she doesnt want you to cut your self, trust me it SUCKS to shavve and VERY easy to cut your self if you are a begginer, waxing would be KINDA painful but the results lasts weeks longer and would make your legs look better!(if you shave your hair grows back thicker and more coarse,and you also can see your pores in your legs, and DONT even think about getting goose bumpse if you are cold, cuz hair grows EVERY time you get them if you shave! Waxing would for sure be the way to go!

Not allowed to Shave?!?!?!?!!?

OMG!!! Once I heard the make-up situation I rushed to answer this question!

I think you should talk to your Mom one more time, see what she says.. if she says no.. then just tell her you want to in a strict yet calm voice. I'm kinda young and I'm allowed to "shave" ONLY WITH SHAVING CREAMS. Which keep my skin soft and radiant! Tell her that you don't like having hairs in your legs, and that everyone does it too. Also, if you are really desperate to shave.. tell her that it bothers you when you wear skirts or something like pants.. I had the same problem did what I said and she finally gave in. Trust me.. it wasn't easy but she finally came through! I wish you the best on this shaving thing

Not allowed to Shave?!?!?!?!!?

when i was your age my mom wouldnt let me shave ..so i used hers and she never noticed..( i realise that this is disgusting but at the time i didnt care and she gave in eventually) i would say she doesnt want you to shave because it makes your hairs grow back thicker, sometimes i wish i had never started cause im pretty sure that my legs really werent very hairy---back then!!! anyway waxing is better and more effective if you can get use to it ,or you could ask your mom if you can use nads' cream its a natural product from australia,similar to nair or imac, but not as strong ...good luck

Not allowed to Shave?!?!?!?!!?

haha that happened to me 2 i was 12 and i'm like mom can i shave my legs cuz my brother and boy cousins will make fun of me and i hated it i'm like mom can i shave it and she said yeah in the summer after my b-day cuz it's JULY 12 and after that ccame i was allowed too now i'm 13 so it's just not ur mom.....

maybe u can make a compromise insttead of shaving your WHOLE legs just shave up to ur knees. so when u play gym u can use capri sweat pants........

and if she still doesn't let you i guess wait until like the summer to ask so in the mean time for gym just wear long sweat pants

Not allowed to Shave?!?!?!?!!?

my mum was like that only because she never grows hair on her legs. shes so lucky. i have to wax every week because my hair grows super fast.

im with you!

if youv gone to extreams like plucking out every hair on your leg and your mum wont keep her promise try and save up a couple of bucks and give the money to a trusted friend so that she whose allowed to shave can buy you some nair or shavers. and if your mum finds out tell her that wouldent she rather you do this then pluck at every single hair on your legs that whould cause you a lot of pain. tell her that your getting bullyed at school tell her if you wear stockings at school that your skin gets irritated from the stockings pulling the hair on your legs. tell her that if your allowed to shave or use nair you will promise to be good and do lots of house work. tell your mom that shaving is a need not a want and it makes wearing the school uniform untidy because your legs are so hairy and it looks as though you dont even make an effort to come to school and pressent yourself in a neat hygenic way. and last of all tell your mum that your not a kid anymore your a teenager and its necessary to start doing these things when you hit puberty. expecially when you start growwing hair under your arms which can make you smell like BO during sport.

Not allowed to Shave?!?!?!?!!?

well if all fails I use hair removing lotion. just put a different cover over it to trick your mom so she thinks its regular lotion.Then just rinse it off in the shower, and your hair will be removed. good luck:]

Not allowed to Shave?!?!?!?!!?

You gotta try two things the first one being talking to you mother about how you feel about X...Y n Z. If she gets it, and if she relates to you like when she was a teenager, hopefully that will be all you need to do is to have her relate to your situation after that.

If that does not work you can always get in touch with DYFS and although there is no abuse and neglect... well she is neglecting to address what's important to you.

Try and have an adult who is good friends with your mom explain the situation to her and if she is moved she will most likely see things your way.

Good Luck!!

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