Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The use of Spanish in Equatorial Guinea?

I have always been interested in the Spanish language and was excited when I found out that a country in Africa has Spanish as an official language. First, I was wondering how widespread the Spanish language is in Equatorial Guinea and where the greatest amount of speakers are concentrated. Second, I wanted to know how the Equatorial Guineans speak spanish. One source said that they pronounce their r's like l's. Can anyone give me a easy to understand chart on pronunciation and it would be most helpful if anyone had audio clips of an Equatorial Guinean speaking spanish. If there are any Equatorial Guineans out there, please tell me how often you use the language and how other spanish speakers react when you start speaking spanish to them. I also read somewhere that a lot of Equatorial Guineans don't have nappy hair. I wanted to know if this was true and if it is, how did that come to be.

The use of Spanish in Equatorial Guinea?

The information you were given is correct. The Equatorial Guinean accent is close to the Puerto Rican in the they pronounce /r/, but is close to Spain's Spanish in lexicon. I don't know about the nappy hair, but if you're into Spanish, the country is right now way open to Spanish speakers who want to work in education as they are trying to reverse years of a devastating regime that for almost 2 decades banned education at all levels. Many local teachers and professores were killed.

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