My boyfriend ask me to wear my hair down for our next date. I see him about twice a month because we are both in college in diverse cities. It just came up in a conversation. I felt like he should be pleased no matter how I wear my hair. Mind you this isn't the 1st time he has asked.
(I have long, flowing black hair) and sometimes I put it in a clip or pony tail and he says he likes it down, but it's my hair. There are times when I wear it down for our dates, but I was wondering what other ladies would say. Is this normal? Is this a form of control?
Ladies: If your future hubby ask you to ___ would you do it?
My fiance prefers i wear my hair curly, i prefer it straight. He often asks me to "make it curly!"... boy! i just spend 2 hours in the mirror with a flat iron, you can wait!
Occasionally, i will accomidate him because i know he likes it. But sometimes i will accomidate me, because i'm selfish. its a give and take thing. On this particular occasion would i accomidate him? Probably, because i dont see him often and want him to be happy. Its not a control thing, its the same as "i like it when you wear the blue dress" kinda thing.
Ladies: If your future hubby ask you to ___ would you do it?
Okay you are looking into this WAY too much! This is not a form of "control" He just likes the way you look with your hair down! He probably thinks you have really nice hair. My husband loves when I wear my hair down.
Ladies: If your future hubby ask you to ___ would you do it?
he probbly just likes it when i first started to date my fiance i use to wear my hair down all the time. i cant tell you the last day he has seen it down, just let him know you appreciate the fact that he likes it like that but it is hard work and you do not always have the time!
Ladies: If your future hubby ask you to ___ would you do it?
Guys like hair that is long so that they can put their fingers through it, or just look at how wistful it is. If you only see each other twice a month then why does it matter? Just do it. He might think you have really pretty hair and wants everyone else to see too. He just hasn't found the right ways to tell you that
Ladies: If your future hubby ask you to ___ would you do it?
wow. youre over analyzing.
he just likes you with your hair down.if you already wear it down why not do it for him? its just hair.
Ladies: If your future hubby ask you to ___ would you do it?
I think it is ok every now and again to give in to a request like this, but if it start getting out of hand an repetitive and leading to other things like telling me what to wear and what not, i think i would have a problem. My FI likes me with my hair long and curled, but i dont do that very often so when he request it i try.
I wouldnt look to much into it just yet, but if you notice him being controlling or annoying about other things, i would get out.
Ladies: If your future hubby ask you to ___ would you do it?
Oh, for Pete's sake! The guy sees you twice a month and likes your hair down. It's not an anti-feminist statement. What does it hurt you to give him that? And, if you can't give him that much, you're in for a rocky marriage.
Ladies: If your future hubby ask you to ___ would you do it?
wear it down, he is just telling you how he likes it best. You should be complimented.
Ladies: If your future hubby ask you to ___ would you do it?
As I guy I can say you are way overanalyzing this....he likes your hair down, so what? He probably does like you no matter how you are, but likes your pretty long's not like he wants you to wear make-up or certain clothes. Don't you prefer his hair a certain way, or that he shaves his face, or doesnt wear flannel out to dinner?
Ladies: If your future hubby ask you to ___ would you do it?
I'm lucky cuz my bf could care less how I have my hair BUT if he asked I would do it. Stop trying to read too much into things!!
Ladies: If your future hubby ask you to ___ would you do it?
No, this isn't unusual. I have very very long brown hair, so it's always easier for me to tie it back. But my fiance always asks me to wear it down because he says it looks beautiful that way. So when we go out and stuff I have it down, because if it makes him happy then I am happy :o)
Ladies: If your future hubby ask you to ___ would you do it?
if he asks you to do it once in a while I don't see a control issue if he demanded it it would be an issue
Ladies: If your future hubby ask you to ___ would you do it?
Women really read too much into things when it comes to men....
Do you like to see him in a nice shirt and slacks or in dirty ripped jeans and a stained t-shirt? If you answer one or the other, does that make you controlling?
My man likes my hair better up. I like it better down. When we go out for nice dates, or just when I feel like dressing up for him, I wear my hair up.
Take this relationship slow. It sounds like you have a lot to learn.
Ladies: If your future hubby ask you to ___ would you do it?
No, this is not a form of control...unless he absolutely forces you to wear it down! My fiance prefers my hair down as well, he likes it up also, but would rather me have it down. I usually wear it down. Not to please him...but we all have that want to be attractive to our significant others. I also plan on wearing it down during our wedding.
At the end of the day it's up to you. If you prefer it up then wear it up. But there is nothing wrong with him asking you to wear it down more...and there's nothing wrong with you doing it.
Ladies: If your future hubby ask you to ___ would you do it?
Well the male opinion here...If you want it.
I have asked my gal to wear her hair down because I think it is beautiful, not because I am not happy with what she decides to do.
Think about it this way...Most women will say they have to dress their men because most men will wear whatever is lying around and not mind that it doesn't match or so forth...Is it controlling to tell them they would look better wearing a matching outfit...Sure it is...but it is probably also true.
It is possible your man is trying to control you...but think about this...Is he asking that when you see him you wear your hair down...or is he saying wear your hair down all the time.
If you wear making love and he asked you to get on it controlling or is it that he likes that better.
I think you are safe to "let your hair down" and love the man whom you are engaged to.
Just my two cents though.
Ladies: If your future hubby ask you to ___ would you do it?
Don't freak out over it! He just wants to see you with your hair down every once in a while. He's got a "thing" for long hair :)
My FH hates long hair - which I have now for the wedding. But as soon as it's over, he's asked me to cut it. I'll do it because I love him... and it's only hair. It will grow back. Not to mention the fact that short hair is much easier to deal with than the long hair I have now - but don't tell him that! :)
Ladies: If your future hubby ask you to ___ would you do it?
It sounds innocent enough. Wear it down for him :) He'll smile knowing you did it for him!
My fiance asks me to wear my hair down occasionally, since that's how he likes it the best. He also likes it part up or all up, but just loves my hair down...I'm happy to fix my hair the way he loves it, because he's the only one I'm trying to impress anyway ;) (I also sometimes ask him to wear a certain shirt, because I love to see him in it. Same deal.)
If he asked you to never wear your hair any other way, or kept you from cutting your hair, THEN I'd say he might be trying to control you.
Ladies: If your future hubby ask you to ___ would you do it?
I love to wear my hair the way my husband likes it, I even wore it the way he liked it on our wedding day 10 years ago, even though it was not fancy or glamorous, it was just a simple style that he really preferred.
I do it because I like for him to love the way I look not because I feel I have to please him.
I have cut all my hair off a few times and he hates it, and even though I love my hair short, I dont cut it any more because its not what he likes. Its not a control issue at all, its just whats pleasing to his eye and I always want him to look at me and think I look my best, if that means leaving my hair long then so be it, its really no skin off my nose to wear it the way he likes it and when he thinks I look beautiful it makes me feel beautiful, so its a win/win.
Ladies: If your future hubby ask you to ___ would you do it?
ok i wouldn't worrya bout it. my fiance asks me all the time to wear my hair curly and down....
the different between controlling and telling you what he likes he asks! or rather he asks or sugguests it then "Wear your hair like this!!!"
Ladies: If your future hubby ask you to ___ would you do it?
Like you said you guys see each other twice a month. So what's wrong with letting your hair down when you see him. You have it up most of the time as it is. He just like your hair down. you don't have to do it every time. But once in a while would not hurt. I don't think it is a controlling thing.
Ladies: If your future hubby ask you to ___ would you do it?
Seriously? If you react to everything the way you are reacting to this you should just be tankful he sticks around.
Ladies: If your future hubby ask you to ___ would you do it?
No, I don't think it's a form of control. Sometimes, we get irritated when guys tell us how to somehow dress or act--well, if they do impose it, I think you should tell him off. It's a mere suggestion, then I don't see the harm in it. I think he's simply saying that he finds you even more beautiful with your hair down.
My boyfriend somehow does this at times, he wants me to pull my hair up because he likes to see my neck but it was more of a suggestion. I think he likes channeling the "classic Audrey Hepburn" look.
That aside, just ask him why :) and then weigh your possible reaction.
Ladies: If your future hubby ask you to ___ would you do it?
wow, you really need to be with someone that is actually controlling. They're a hell of a lot worse!
Guys like long hair. I know lots of girls with short hair and all my guy friends refer to them as "butch" or something along those lines. I bet your hair is gorgeous, please him and wear it down! Make him happy!
Ladies: If your future hubby ask you to ___ would you do it?
It's sweet that he's letting you know what he likes.
My sweety has a hard time with this. He wants to be nice, so he says, "Everything looks good," or "I always like how you look." Now I *know* that everything does not look good, and many times I look like hag. It's nice when he actually expresses that he likes something in particular.
If you guy started trying to tell you how to wear your hair (clothes, etc.) all the time, you might start to worry. But this sounds sweet.
Ladies: If your future hubby ask you to ___ would you do it?
Why don't you ask him why he wants you to wear it down? Ask him why he wants to see you with your hair down. If he says, "If you really loved me, you would do what I want and not ask questions," then, yes, he's trying to control you. If he says, "I just think it's so sexy and I wish you'd let me see it more. You always have it up and it leaves me craving more," then you're fine and he's just appreciative of your hair.
Sometimes people just want what they don't get to see very often. My boyfriend loves it when I wear ***-hugging pants because I'm almost always in skirts and dresses.
I understand your concern, though, and I really think you should ask him to tell you *why* he thinks its important....his answer will give you a strong clue as to what he's thinking.
Ladies: If your future hubby ask you to ___ would you do it?
Whats more important? how you wear your hair or how you spend your time together?
If wearing your hair down will please him and allow you to have a good time, why not go for it rather than calculating whether he is trying to control you.
Dont be so complicated as to complicate a simple desire.
Ladies: If your future hubby ask you to ___ would you do it?
My husband asks me to straighten my hair, i have long dark brown really curly hair. He loves my hair but finds it more beautiful when i have it straight, ITs nothing ot take offense over its just what he prefers.
Ladies: If your future hubby ask you to ___ would you do it?
Guys just love long hair...they like the way it looks and they love to play with it...
Now mind you I'm 54 and I've worn my hair very short for years...when I remarried my hubby dropped subtle hints that he'd like my hair big deal, so it's grown out and past my shoulders...
I wear it up when we go out...a 54 year old woman walking around with long gray hair looks sorta....well,,,hag-ish ....but in the home at night I let it loose and sit next to him on the sofa where he can play with it to his heart's content.....
...It's just a request, like asking if someone would wear a certain color once in a while or..'Honey, can you wear the red tie? It looks so good on you"....nope, it's not control.not for a once in a while thing....
Ladies: If your future hubby ask you to ___ would you do it?
You are right to be concerned that you could be missing signs. I was in an abusive relationship that started with little things like "I like that skirt on you" and went to "Would you only wear that when you see me" and it just got more and more controlling.
This could simply be the guy stating "I like your hair down". Alot of guys have a preference for long hair on girls.
The best thing I could tell you to do is wear it down, then the next time wear it up - - if he says something or makes a big deal out of it being up, then I say your concerns may have a basis.
Ladies: If your future hubby ask you to ___ would you do it?
lol and I thought I was a feminazi!
Ladies: If your future hubby ask you to ___ would you do it?
He's asking - it's a preference. You'll find this will happen when you are married - you bend a bit to the preferences of your husband.
For example, my husband currently has a beard because it's ME who likes it on him once in a while, not him, necessarily! Just like I would never get my hair cut really short, because I know he considers that boyish.
You give and take - that's the nature of love and relationships.
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